4 out of 5 books
This novel is the second I’ve read from Gwen. This read was well written and the storyline well thought out. Lloyd Palmer, a reporter for the Houston Ledger was now lead editor of the Ledger and was now in charge of what would be found in between the pages. His new position came with headaches he hadn’t had while being a reporter, yet he stayed true to himself. In efforts to keep community support, Lloyd approved articles that were factual and didn’t go with the first report of scandal. There was big news brewing within the political arena and Charles, Lloyd’s right hand man was at the helm of the discovery. He trusted his friend’s judgment but would bide his time until there was enough definitive information to share with the public.
Michael the high roller of the organization that included money laundering and puppeteering political candidates like chess pieces. He employed people with backgrounds in criminology to ensure that his vision was accomplished. His front runner Joel was to be Ron, Lloyd’s best friends campaign manager according to what Michael promised him, however neither of them were prepared for Ron to independently take matters into his own hands and he hired, Stephanie, Lloyd’s wife to run his campaign although she was a novice to politics. She proved to be competent in getting the job done to Michael and Joel’s dismay.
There were other players in the game of chess and not checkers who would work to orchestrate Michaell’s demands which would cause others to be exposed and lose credibility of the Senate chair. One by one due to unfortunate circumstances, they all withdrew their bid from the race. This was done to ensure that Ron would win the race without any components he was sure to get the victory. Michael needed to keep his word to Joel, and they hoped that Stephanie would fold, however she exceeded their expectations to run the campaign. Michael needed to remain in control of being behind the scenes and when Joel missed an opportunity to keep their plans secret, a plan was drawn up to get rid of Stephanie. However, when there is purpose for your life, God will send an angel to protect you and there’s an old saying that when you are digging a hole for someone else, dig two for yourself.
If you like mystery stories, then this book is for you.
Reviewed by Lacha’ J
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