--Excerpt from Black and Ugly
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Urban Reviews is the premier destination for all things relating to African-American Fiction. It's primary focus will be on the promotion of new and upcoming books by Black authors, but Urban Reviews will also include exclusive interviews, online Q&As, tour info, press release info, and industry news as well.
-- Noire, #1 Essence bestselling author of Candy Licker and Thug-A-Licious
There's A Time To Take One For The Team...
But the violence at The Calliope is nothing compared to what Daquan experiences doing time at Scotland Correctional Center for youth, watching cats get stabbed over card games, young boys get raped, and racism of the worst kind, even from the black guards. A voice inside tells him he'd better learn to use his anger--instead of letting it use him, ya heard?
And A Time To Think For Yourself...
From the moment Daquan heard his first blast of hip hop, the music spoke to him, and for him. While his friends are getting their street hustle cracking, his way with words is leading him in another direction. With a good woman by his side, he's owning up to his responsibilities and building a new future with New Orleans' biggest rap label. But what about his homies in The CP3--will they ever be truly free? Daquan knows his hardened heart will never allow him to become a victim. He can only pray it won't allow him to become a predator...
NAN: The Trifling Times of Nathan Jones by Moses Miller - Creative Trailer for Hot Fiction Title!
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October 2006
Donna Hill talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her upcoming release 'Guilty Pleasures'
- Her promotions company
- Her many upcoming projects
- Her advice for aspiring authors
- And Much More!!!
(right click with your mouse and select 'Save As' to download!)
On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!
Trailor for 'The Walk'......i'm assuming this is straight to video....but who knows.
Please post any comments you have on Eva Pigford's acting debut!
Keep him in your hearts and your decks forever.
5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...