Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Forthcoming: L. Divine - Drama High: Jayd's Legacy

Drama High: Jayd's Legacy (Drama High)
L. Divine
Drama High: Jayd's Legacy
January 30, 2007
It’s official: South Bay High’s finest, Jayd Jackson, and its coolest white boy, Jeremy Weiner, are a couple. And if that’s not enough interracial drama for South Bay’s mostly white, wealthy student body, Jayd and her bold, beautiful, black renaissance crew have more on the way….
Friends and teachers at South Bay High may be hating, but Jayd and Jeremy are falling in love, and if anyone has a problem with their happiness, especially an ex who’s back in Jayd’s life aiming to sweep her off her feet—well, that’s no surprise. This is Drama High after all. And Jayd is no stranger to controversy—it’s in her blood, and it seems it’s in her girl Nellie’s blood too.
Homecoming is just around the corner, and South Bay High has never had a black princess, queen, or royalty of any kind for any event. But that’s about to change. The Drama Club is sponsoring Nellie to run for the junior class, hoping to give the Cheerleaders and Athletes a run for their money. If Nellie wins, she’ll make history. In fact, Nellie is so deep in the zone, Jayd’s afraid she’ll forget to watch her back because the students of South Bay are serious about their crowns. As Nellie’s chances for victory heat up, so does the hostility from the smartass opposition. Nellie may be flying too high to notice, but Jayd can see the drama coming. And as usual, she’s on it—with a little help from her magical Mama and her mystical ancestors, of course.



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