Wednesday, April 18, 2007

The Forthcoming: Thomas Long - Papa Don't Preach

Thomas Long
Papa Don't Preach
April 24, 2007

Nigel Hawkins was as gangster as they got on the streets of Baltimore. He was a killer, hustler, pimp, and strong arm robber all rolled into one. He also had a deadly addiction to heroin that winds up being his downfall. Fresh off of a ten year bid in jail, he comes home a new man after he finds religion. However, he is confronted by his past demons when he finds out that his twenty something year old son, Nigel Jr., is spiraling down the same path of drug addiction and crime that he took. Can this father's love save his son from doom and destruction or will the evil temptations of his past reel him back into the living hell that he escaped from once his new found spiritual faith is tested. Papa Don't Preach is a real life heartfelt drama about the underworld of drug addiction and Black male to male relationships that will pull at your emotional strings.


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