Tuesday, July 17, 2007

African American Literary Awards Show Nominations Breakfast - Saturday, July 21st

~~just passing along information~~


Open Book Awards Nominations Breakfast
Please join

Miasha (Mommy's Angel), Bre (America's Next Top Model)
JM Benjamin (My Manz and Em), Michael Presley (Tears On A Sunday Morning)
William Frederick Cooper (There's Always A Reason)
and others

For breakfast during the Harlem Book Fair as they read the nominees

for the African American Literary Awards Show's 3rd Annual Open Book Awards

Melba's Restaurant
300 West 114th Street @ 8th Avenue (Frederick Douglas Blvd)
Harlem, New York
Saturday, July 21, 2007
10:00 a.m. * 12:30pm
starts promptly at 10am

Seats are Limited * First Come, First Served
RSVP by July 19, 2007

For more information,  
email at

The African American Literary Awards Show's Open Book Awards will be held on Wednesday, September 26, 2007 at the Alhambra Ballroom in Harlem.
Tickets will be available.

Urban Reviews

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New Review : Firstborn Girls: A Memoir : Bernice L. McFadden

  5 out of 5 books Penning a memoir is no easy task. You are giving everyone an insider’s peek into your world. This is exactly what Bernice...