Saturday, August 11, 2007

The Forthcoming: J. M. Jeffries - Virgin Seductress

J. M. Jeffries
Virgin Seductress
Available Now!

Nell Evans has a surprise inheritance, a lust for adventure and a makeover. But her plans for a new life in New York don't include being a virgin at age thirty! She never had the chance to dream beyond her small Mississippi town—but with a little help from Riley Martin, that's about to change...

This bad boy done good left for the big city but returned to his roots. Now divorced, he is just the man Nell should see about her…uh, problem. Riley can't believe the offer of seduction coming from the sweet, shy woman of his secret fantasies, but he's going to do his very best to convince her, in the most intimate ways, that her place always was, is and will be—with him.

Click Here To Read A Full Excerpt Now!

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