Sunday, September 30, 2007

Cheryl Robinson Newsletter - October 2007

October 2007 Vol 3, Issue 3
With just three months until the release of my next novel, Sweet Georgia Brown, January 2, 2007, this issue and contest will be geared toward obtaining  reader's feedback.
I am very excited to launch the book trailer for Sweet Georgia Brown, which you can access by clicking on the Sweet Georgia Brown book cover.  Let me know what you think!  And please forward to your friends and family.
Cheryl Robinson
In This Issue
View The Sweet Georgia Brown Book Trailer
Book Club Profile
What I'm Reading Next
Author Spotlight
What I'm Listening to
This Christmas
Join My Mailing List!
Quick Links
Sweet Georgia Brown available January 2, 2008 in bookstores nationwide and online
  Meet Georgia Brown-a humble housewife determined to become a household name....

Exclusive to my online subscribers the premier of my teaser book trailer for Sweet Georgia Brown. The trailer was produced by independent filmmaker Brett Haley of Let It Play Productions, New York. He also produced the book trailer for the novel Then We Came To The End. I emailed the author because I really liked his trailer and he gave me Brett's information. So please double click on my book cover to be directed to YOUTUBE to view the trailer. It opens in the radio station with Georgia's husband Marvlous Marvin, a nationally syndicated radio show host. Leave a comment on Youtube either about your thoughts on the trailer or on how feel about Marvin using his national radio format to talk about his wife of eleven years and then email me at letting me know you have done so and you'll be automatically entered into my drawing for a $100 giftcard to
Book Club Spotlight
SST initially started out to meet monthly to share their passion for reading. They soon had a vision that their book club was destined to be more than just a social reading group. There are currently thirteen wonderful diverse ladies between the ages of 30 - 50...To learn more click on their logo to go directly to their myspace page.
What I'm Reading Next: Reposition Yourself by T.D. Jakes 
                                In his latest book, Reposition Yourself, bestselling author T.D. Jakes shares insights that will help readers adjust to the many changes that life brings. This is a shrill wake-up call to take charge of your life now. Not only does it confront areas where subtle passivity or even poor choices may have stifled the reader's creativity, but it also instructs how to manage change and maximize life now. Using wisdom collected from his more than thirty years of counseling and working with everyday and high-profile people, Jakes covers financial, relational, and spiritual creativity and shows how adapting to transitional moments in your life is the path to an enriched existence filled with contentment at every stage
Eric Pete, Author of Blow Your Mind in bookstores November 2, 2007
                          In addition to his numerous television and radio appearances, Eric and has been featured in the Chicago Sun-Times, the Louisiana Weekly, the American Press, the Baton Rouge Weekly Press, and online sites such as AOL Black Voices, Book-Remarks, the Romer Review, the Literary World,, and

Eric was born in Seattle, WA. Having lived there as well as Louisiana and briefly in Los Angeles, he now resides in Texas where he is working on his next book.He is a graduate of McNeese State University and a member of Delta Sigma Pi Professional Business Fraternity.
What I'm Listening to...Jill Scott: The Real Thing Words and Sounds Volume 3
All I have to say is mmm....mmm...mmm. If you haven't purchased this CD yet, I highly recommend it and you can check out her over one hundred reviews on Amazon who feel the same way I do. My friends know that I am a little impatient. I ordered this CD on Amazon about a month before it was released after hearing the single, Hate On Me, and because I adore Jill Scott. Well, Tuesday came and a friend had purchased it and told me that she couldn't get past Jill's CD to listen to Common's new one or Keisha Cole's. Amazon sent me an email saying it wouldn't arrive until Friday due to some delay, but I couldn't wait. I purchased the CD on that Wednesday the day after the release and when I received the one from Amazon I mailed it to a close friend who just thinks Jill is okay. This CD should change his mind!
Another movie I can't wait to see...This Christmas
 Click on the photo to view the trailer.  
THIS CHRISTMAS Sharon Leal as Kelli Whitfield and Regina King as Lisa Whitfield star in a story about the Whitfields family that meets up for Christmas. As the siblings come home for the first time in years with plenty of baggage and as the Christmas tree is trimmed and lights are hung, secrets are revealed and the Whitfields joins together to discover the true meaning of family.
A special thank you to those of you who forwarded my newsletter to your email contacts and copied me on the email. I was so pleased. Be sure to continue to forward my newsletter to your friends, book club members, and other avid readers so they can stay connected with me and my fellow authors. As many of you already know, nothing sells books better than word of mouth so please spread the word!
Cheryl Robinson

Sign My
and win!
Last month's winners: Vivian Thomas, Miami Gardens, FL $75 gift card; Beverly Price, Dolton, IL; Rochivia Jones, Fort Worth TX  won a copy of Do You, by Russel Simmns.
Now, a new month and a new giveway. My giftcard giveways get larger each month as I grow more and more excited about my upcoming release, Sweet Georgia Brown.  This month the grand prize is a $100, or Gift Certificate. In order to qualify, simply view my book trailer and post a comment on YouTube then email me saying that you have so that I can enter you into the contest.  In addition, two people will receive a copy of T.D. Jakes book, Reposition Yourself just for signing my guestbook with your comments of my book trailer.   
Offer Expires: October 30, 2007. Prizes announced November 2, 2007 and awarded November 5, 2007.


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