Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Forthcoming: Montre Bible - Heaven Bound

Montre Bible
Heaven Bound
September 25, 2007
In Heaven Bound, we meet Andrea Turner, the mother of Andrew Turner. After her death, Andrea journals her final words to her son, telling him of her discovery that she is Nephilim (half-human and half-angel). The story goes black to when Andrea meets several college friends who are helping her find her personal spiritual path. When she stumbles on the fact that she has supernatural powers, her reason for being at the college becomes all but coincidental as she learns she devised by a fallen angel and her true father, Dony El. Andrea must decide whether she will use her powers for God, or if she will she give up her very soul to gain the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How long before the next one? I know there's at least one more. These two books are great.


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