Monday, April 28, 2008

The Forthcoming: Erica K. Barnes - I Ain't Saying' She's A Gold Digger

Erica K. Barnes
I Ain't Sayin' She's A Gold Digger
April 29, 2008
Kentia can't seem to meet her monetary needs. Since beauty and trickery are what she knows best, and she uses them as her golden ticket. Kentia drains money from the wallets of her current man, and when she's done with him, she moves on to the next. Kentia hustles her victims, not knowing that she's about to become a victim herself.

As a video vixen, Kirrah spends her time gold digging the hottest artists. Kirrah is on her A-game when it comes to looking good and getting up close and personal with her favorite rappers (and their wallets). What the foolish Kirrah doesn't know is that in this game, it's always better to play defense.


Broke college student Theori uses her good looks and perfect figure at Eye Candy, a strip club in Compton . She and her newfound best friend Inez start a new and original hustle that rewards them with a bigger profit than dancing. But if they aren't careful, the price might be someone's life.


What three young women believe is the easy way out, will be the life altering lesson that can make them or break them. I Ain't Sayin' She's A Gold Digger, but she ain't messing with no broke.




Sunday, April 27, 2008

The Forthcoming: Nikki Turner - Black Widow

Nikki Turner
Black Widow
April 29, 2008

#1 bestselling author Nikki Turner returns with an explosive new novel about a woman at an emotional crossroads–and the men left in her wake.
Isis Tatum knows firsthand the way love can mess up a person. After all, she saw her mother drive a truck through the home of her father’s mistress before killing her dad. And ever since Isis was a teenager, her love life has been a series of disasters: Her first sweetheart was executed by the state of Virginia, and her next lover was sent to jail for murder. Now Isis is a successful jewelry designer, but she remains a failure with men. When she meets Logic, a Las Vegas high roller who treats her like a princess, Isis reckons she’s finally struck gold–literally. Logic sees to it that her custom pieces of jewelry are seen on the hottest rap stars and pro athletes.

But when this Mr. Right ends up in jail too, Isis starts to believe that she’s cursed, that she’s a true Black Widow. Always one to roll with the punches, she embraces her life and walks bravely down all its twisted paths, taking her business to unprecedented heights while letting the men who dare to get involved with her take their chances.


Friday, April 18, 2008

The Forthcoming: Vanessa Davis Griggs - Strongholds

Vanessa Davis Griggs
April 29, 2008

From Vanessa Davis Griggs comes the second book in her Blessed Trinity Trilogy. Part Terry McMillan, part Jan Karon, Griggs delivers the story of a congregation hoping for heaven—while dealing with life right here on earth…
When Pastor George Landris, the dreadlock-wearing minister of the new mega-church, Followers of Jesus Faith Worship Center, urges his congregation to approach the altar and cast off their strongholds—also known as their weaknesses—it’s the start of intense soul-searching for many.
From a married couple’s twin addictions to gambling and gluttony, to a female member’s adulterous affair, a computer expert’s obsession with cyber-porn and a therapist’s workaholism, the Pastor’s church family is about to open the proverbial floodgates. And that’s just the beginning. There’s also the woman whose battle with mental illness hides a buried trauma, and the religious devotee who’s so busy fearing the devil she’s forgotten what faith is really about. The plot only thickens when the Pastor’s wife lightens his load by helping him counsel—and finds herself at the center of a decades-long deception.
Insightful, witty, and always poignant, Vanessa Davis Griggs delivers another compelling novel, taking readers behind the scenes of mega-churches, and showing the amazing power that redemption and faith can have on people’s lives.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The Forthcoming: Mikasenoja - Confessions of a Preacher's Wife

Confessions of a Preacher's Wife
April 29, 2008
With "Confessions of a Preacher’s Wife, author Mikasenoja, skillfully leads the reader into the world of First Lady, Jacqueline Stevens. A world full of church drama, conniving members, loose women, power playing deacons, false accusations and fed-up preacher’s kids.
When her husband Lance accepted the pastorate of New Light Church in the small town of Southlake, Jacqueline thought the transition would be a cakewalk for a First Lady with her years of experience. After all, she’d seen and heard it all before. Little did she know she was about to embark on a journey of trials, self-doubt and pain, the likes of which she’d never imagined. How could God possibly get the glory out of this mess? Peek into the personal journal of this preacher’s wife as she travels the road to hard earned lessons of unwavering trust and dependence on God.


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Forthcoming: Devon Scott - Unfaithful

Cover Image
Devon Scott
April 29, 2008
Your Wildest Fantasies…
He’s smart, successful, happily-married—and has the best of everything. But ambitious business executive Ryan can’t stop thinking about the woman he can’t have: Olivia. She’s his friend, his co-worker…and his best friend Miles’s wife. It only takes one irresistible moment, one luscious taste, to ignite their relationship into an insatiable fire…
Can Become Your Worst Nightmares…
But Ryan’s erotic fantasies are slowly unraveling his career, marriage, and friendships as he discovers his mind-blowing tryst was nothing more than a treacherous charade. Now his obsession and sexual escapades threaten to ruin all he’s worked so hard for, trapping him deeper into a web of illicit desire, deceit, and danger…





Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Forthcoming: ReShonda Tate Billingsley - Getting Even (The Good Girlz series)

ReShonda Tate Billingsley
Getting Even (The Good Girlz series)
Available Now!
The fourth book in The Good Girlz series…

One guy is leading them on…
Best friends forever, Camille, Alexis, Jasmine, and Angel always stand up for each other.  So when Camille runs into boy problems, Jasmine is ready to settle the score!  Camille convinces her it’s not worth it, even though she was attacked by some girls who are jealous of the attention’s she’s getting from Vic, a cute guy Camille met at a football game.  But Camille’s boy troubles are just starting…
Should they forgive—or make him pay?
Alexis is dating a guy named Anthony, and it doesn’t take long for Jasmine to discover that he’s Anthony Vickers- the very same Vic that Camille has fallen for!  When the truth comes out, the girls cook up a scheme for payback, something that will teach a two-timing guy the error of his ways.  But their dramatic plan may be backfiring, tearing at the bonds of their own friendship, and showing them that the price for revenge is very high– for everyone.

Monday, April 14, 2008

The Forthcoming - Capone - Marked

April 15, 2008
Take the decision of loyalty as seen in True to the Game added with the gritty dealings in Deadly Reigns, and you've got MARKED by Capone! The new hype in Street Lit. In a city filled with pimps, players, and hustlers everyone is always looking for their next mark. With turmoil on the rise, the streets of Detroit become anything but safe when Deluxe, a natural warrior is lured into the family business by the cities most notorious gangster, his uncle Gator. After an unsuspecting incident, Deluxe learns quickly that his violent skills have the potential to make him a lot of money. However, when Yasmine, a manipulative woman who uses what she got to get what she wants, enters his life, the focus becomes distorted, and threatens the success of Gator s operation. Soon, the streets of Detroit become a full-fledged war zone, and it s open season on any and everyone. Meanwhile, Deluxe falls deeper into Yasmin s seduction, and offers him something no other woman ever has. Torn between the life he wants to live and his loyalty to his uncle, Deluxe crosses the line when taking on his new mark.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Forthcoming - Brooke Green - You, Me, and He

Brooke Green
You, Me, and He
April 22, 2008

You've heard the stories of women throwing in the towel after learning their men are on the down low . You, Me, and He takes a look at what happens when the women choose to stay while dealing with issues of trust, honesty, disease and the betrayal of those closest to them.

Donna believes she has found her ideal man in Keith Reed. He's smart, handsome and, most importantly, financially stable. But, there is one catch, he's bisexual. Donna decides to stand by her man after making him promise to be faithful to her and only her. Fearful of starting a new relationship in the age of the down low man, Donna feels it is the smart thing to do. In her eyes, there is no guessing about Keith's sexuality, she knows exactly who and what he is.

Keith Reed is the kind of man most women dream of marrying. And, he has found the perfect woman in Donna who is willing to stay with him despite his sexuality. Keith's world is shaken when his past is set to be exposed to the world. To top it off, he must contend with Jarrod, his former college roommate, who is relentless in attaining his goal of having Keith to himself.
Jarrod is a successful lawyer, who, in spite of being married with a baby on the way, is consumed with pursuing Keith. Jarrod's fixation leads to his hatred of the one person he believes is standing in the way of his relationship with Keith, Donna. Tired of being rejected and after learning Keith betrayed him, Jarrod's infatuation turns into a campaign to expose Keith's closeted life.


Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Forthcoming: Mari Walker - Never As Good As The First Time

Mari Walker
Never As Good As The First Time
Available Now!

For years Samai Collins has been a faithful Christian, devoted wife and loving mother. But suddenly she finds herself in the middle of a nasty divorce from her minister husband and struggling to find a job, with almost no work skills, in order to support her three children. As Samai tries to get back on her feet, loneliness and the deep longing for a man's touch cause her to stumble in her spiritual beliefs.


Then an old high school crush reappears and Samai's life takes a wild new turn. She is seduced completely by Zane Blackmon's passion and zest for life and soon finds herself being led down a dark path that she never knew existed. An underworld of drugs threatens her life and the lives of her three children. But is love...and just a little bit of faith enough to save them all?


Sunday, April 06, 2008 - April 2008 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter

April 2008- Keeping You Up-To-Date On African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!


All you have to do is wait for the special message to the group and then send your name and mailing address to the specific email address mentioned in that message! We will announce the winners via the Yahoo Group. You can only win ONE BOOK during the month and the contest is restricted to residents within the continental United States!!!

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Brand New Hardcover Editions - $9.95 With Free Shipping!

Marissa Monteilh talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her newest release 'Something He Can Feel'
- Her upcoming erotica book 'Erotic City' under the pseudonym Pynk
- Her literary journey since her self-publishing days
-Her thoughts on the book market
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!!!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'Something He Can Feel'
Marissa Monteilh

Jacquelin Thomas talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her latest release 'Jezebel'
- Her Christian teen series
- How she got her start in the book business
- What she has coming out in the future
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!!!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'Jezebel'
Jacquelin Thomas

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For A Full Excerpt of
You, Me, And He

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You, Me, And He today!


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New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...