Sunday, May 04, 2008

Pics from Day Three of the Romance Slam Jam 2008

Below are pics from the Book signing held Saturday afternoon at the Romance Slam Jam 2008.


Earl Sewell
Donna Hill
Bettye Griffin
Altonya Washington and Andrea Jackson
Pam Osbey
Gwynneth Bolton
Farrah Rochon
Gloria Mallette
Evelyn Palfrey
Dyanne Davis
Niambi Brown Davis
Marcia Colette
Rochelle Alers and Misherald Brown
Kimberly Kaye Terry
Kim Robinson
AC Arthur and Alice Wootson
Marilyn Tyner and LaConnie Taylor-Jones
Ann Clay
Barbara Keaton
Crystal Rhodes and Deatri King-Bey


TaraMetBlog said...

Yay glad you saw my girl Farrah Rochon!

Farrah Rochon said...

It was great meeting both you and the hubby, Radiah!

New Review : Firstborn Girls: A Memoir : Bernice L. McFadden

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