Friday, September 26, 2008

The Forthcoming: Grace Octavia - His First Wife

Grace Octavia
His First Wife
Available September 30, 2008!
Kerry Jackson never thought her dream marriage, which began when her Morehouse beau proposed on a picture-perfect bridge over a lavish pool filled with rose petals and floating candles, could be pulled apart by a harmless email. But ten years later, Jamison is having an affair and a pregnant Kerry finds herself in her car at five in the morning, dead set on busting up the secret romance. Angry, confused, and in the backseat of a police car, she realizes that she needs a new plan for her life and her unborn child ... fast.

But trouble at home quickly turns to trouble everywhere, and a desperate Kerry searches for the strength to pick up the pieces of her life. Now, she is going to have to throw out the game plan, find out who she really is-and take the biggest gamble ever.

A sparkling, sexy novel, His First Wife is all about facing what is real and getting it all on your own terms.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Forthcoming: Freeze - Against The Grain

Nikki Turner Presents Freeze
Against The Grain
September 30, 2008
Love him or hate him, Arkadian "Kay" Frost has made his mark on the streets of Baltimore as the leader of a close-knit group of friends: Mike, the ladies' man; Tank, the funny guy with a short fuse; Apache, the wild one with artillery expertise; Gee, aka Dread, a cold piece of work; and Dre, who doesn't drink, smoke, or cheat-and trusts no one.

Bank robberies are their bread and butter. But when a heist goes wrong, Kay ends up in prison. After serving time, he's ready to get back to his boys and start the game again. But they've moved on to big-time drug dealing, and Kay can't duck its lure. The money is flowing, but when someone in Kay's inner circle secretly betrays him, the friends divide and engage in a full-blown war. Kay wants out before more people die, and the only person he can trust now is his woman, ShuShawn, who is not only beautiful but is as street-smart as he is. Together, Kay and ShuShawn go against the grain. It seems no one can touch them . . . except perhaps the Feds, who have been watching everything.

Monday, September 22, 2008

The Forthcoming: Lisa Lennox - Crack Head II

Lisa Lennox
Crack Head II
Available Now!

When we last visited the South Bronx, the South Bronx Bitches and an infamous drug ring, promoted lies, betrayal, and disloyalty resulting in drama and death. Nobody s lives were ever the same. Six weeks later, Dink and Laci are adjusting to life as college students at Boston University. But with Laci fighting the demons of her past addiction at the hands of the South Bronx Bitches, and Dink struggling to adapt to the legit life away from his former drug empire, will their pasts keep them from moving forward? Smurf has taken over the South Bronx in Dink s absence. When he joins up with the mysterious Dirty, who comes to town with a new product and plans to take over the state, can they avoid the reach of a detective hell bent on solving the mysterious deaths of Dame, Marco and Crystal? Or will Smurf s own strained relationship with his mother play a part in the demise of his newly acquired empire? Lisa Lennox delivers in this fast-paced, emotional sequel to her best selling first novel, Crack Head. With an ending so unexpected, and revenge so cold, fans will be talking about this book for years to come.



Sunday, September 21, 2008 - September 2008 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter

September 2008- Keeping You Up-To-Date On African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!


All you have to do is wait for the special message to the group and then send your name and mailing address to the specific email address mentioned in that message! We will announce the winners via the Yahoo Group. You can only win once during the month for all contests. The contests are restricted to Yahoo Group subscribers who are residents within the continental United States!!!

Check out what we are giving away this month on our CONTEST PAGE!

Good Luck everybody!

BOMC2 - The Best Way To Get AA Fiction titles!
Brand New Hardcover Editions - $9.95 With Free Shipping!

K'wan Foye talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- His newest release 'Gutter'
- His upcoming projects
- His literary journey
- His advice to aspiring authors
- His take on the African American Fiction market
- And Much Much More!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'Gutter'
K'wan Foye

Treasure E. Blue talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- His newest release 'Keyshia And Clyde'
- His plans for the future
- His start as a self-published author
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'Keyshia And Clyde'
Treasure E. Blue

Urban Reviews Updates
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We have updated the Urban Reviews R&B playlist as well as posted the Urban Reviews Video of the Month in the Media Center. We added more excerpts awhile ago, but we will be working on updating more on the African-American Book Excerpts page for you to read sample chapters before you decide to buy the books!

The Author Connection page features of different links to things like author webpages, Blogs, Myspace pages, Publisher sites, Literary sites, and Poetry Sites! And don't forget to check out the Artist Connection page as well!

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We made it through our THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY and we are continuing to grow in popularity by the day! We have a crew of 8 reviewers (7 of them for book reviews and Charles holding down the music reviews). We currently have over 500 subscribers to the Yahoo Group! We continue to strive to be the best on the block, but lately we've been swamped with obligations outside of the website. But we have re-energized and will bring back the hotness to an acceptable level in no time.

Stay tuned for more! And be sure to bookmark the ever-growing AA Fiction Upcoming Releases page! (don't forget... you can also access this page by visiting BLACKBOOKRELEASES.COM

We are in the process of adding more than 100 additional titles to the 650 titles already listed for 2008 on the Upcoming Releases page as well as the Recent Releases page!!!


We have added a new link to every review on our review pages to make it even easier to vote for our stuff on! All you have to do is click the 'Vote And Comment Now' button to vote for the reviews you feel are helpful! It takes less than 10 seconds to vote for each of the please take a few minutes to vote right now!!

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A Different Kind Of Blues

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A Different Kind Of Blues today!


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Red Light Green Light today!

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New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...