Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Urban Reviews - October 2008 Newsletter Monthly Newsletter

October 2008- Keeping You Up-To-Date On African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!

Note: There are no new Music reviews this month!


All you have to do is wait for the special message to the group and then send your name and mailing address to the specific email address mentioned in that message! We will announce the winners via the Yahoo Group. You can only win once during the month for all contests. The contests are restricted to Yahoo Group subscribers who are residents within the continental United States!!!

Check out what we are giving away this month on our

Good Luck everybody!

BOMC2 - The Best Way To Get AA Fiction titles!
Brand New Hardcover Editions - $9.95 With Free Shipping!

Mary Monroe talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her newest release 'She Had It Coming'
- Her Spring 2009 release 'The Company We Keep'
- Her Fall 2009 release 'God Ain't Blind'
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- Her thoughts on the African American Fiction market
- And Much Much More!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'She Had It Coming'
Mary Monroe

Pamela Samuels Young talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her newest release 'Murder On The Down Low'
- Her venture into self-publishing
- Her plans for the future
- Her literary journey
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click here for our Exclusive Audio Interview
with the Author of 'She Had It Coming'
Pamela Samuels Young

Urban Reviews Updates
Don't forget to sign up for our Yahoo Group!

We have a new link to take you straight to the upcoming releases page for books! Be sure to bookmark BLACKBOOKRELEASES.COM now! We will update the New Release page for Music soon!

We have a new blog dedicated to sharing our opinions on the good, the bad, and the ugly in regards to the AA Fiction market! Be sure to bookmark LITERARY SOAPBOX now! We will post a new topic every week, so be sure to check that out and chime in!

We have updated the Urban Reviews R&B playlist as well as posted the Urban Reviews Video of the Month in the Media Center. We added more excerpts awhile ago, but we will be working on updating more on the African-American Book Excerpts page for you to read sample chapters before you decide to buy the books!

The Author Connection page features of different links to things like author webpages, Blogs, Myspace pages, Publisher sites, Literary sites, and Poetry Sites! And don't forget to check out the Artist Connection page as well!

We're on Myspace too! Check us out at WWW.MYSPACE.COM/URBANREVIEWS. We have hundreds of Myspace friends who are authors, literary agents, book reviewers, and other industry insiders.

We've also got the Urban Reviews Yahoo Group! The purpose of the group will be exclusively to converse about, promote, and inform each other on anything related to AA Fiction. Urban Reviews Yahoo Group members are the only ones who can be eligible for our Monthly giveaways. So CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE URBAN REVIEWS YAHOO GROUP today!!!

And last but certainly not least, we have our The Pinnacle, our official blog where you can look at press releases, Tour info, links to relevant online articles, and more. You can subscribe to our blog by clicking here! The Forthcoming is a daily blog posting where we post a new book preview for new and upcoming releases!!! Just click here and you'll be on your way!

Email Us your comments at, and let us know what you think about all the new updates and features. This is an exciting time for Urban Reviews, and we thank you all for your continued support. We've made it to our Three Year Anniversary!

Thanks again, and be sure you participate in all the stuff we offer! From Polls to Contests to discussions in the Yahoo Group! Let's make Urban Reviews the 'Go To' site for all fans of African-American Fiction, Hip-Hop, and R&B!




We made it through our THREE YEAR ANNIVERSARY and we are continuing to grow in popularity by the day! We have a crew of 8 reviewers (7 of them for book reviews and Charles holding down the music reviews). We currently have over 500 subscribers to the Yahoo Group! We continue to strive to be the best on the block, but lately we've been swamped with obligations outside of the website. But we have re-energized and will bring back the hotness to an acceptable level in no time.

Stay tuned for more! And be sure to bookmark the ever-growing AA Fiction Upcoming Releases page! (don't forget... you can also access this page by visiting BLACKBOOKRELEASES.COM

We've added more than 200 additional titles to all of the titles already listed for 2008 on the Upcoming Releases page as well as the Recent Releases page!!!


We have added a new link to every review on our review pages to make it even easier to vote for our stuff on! All you have to do is click the 'Vote And Comment Now' button to vote for the reviews you feel are helpful! It takes less than 10 seconds to vote for each of the please take a few minutes to vote right now!!

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Click the logo above to check out Radiah's ever-growing book shelf on Shelfari. Check it out.

Click the logo above to check out GoodReads page and add us as a friend!

Click the logo above to check out Radiah's Facebook page and be sure to send a friend request!


Click The Book Cover
For A Full Excerpt of
Talk To Me

Click Here to Order
your copy of
Talk To Me today!


Pre-Order Your Copy of
Queen Bee today!

Pre-Order Your Copy of
Red Light Special today!

Pre-Order Your Copy of
A Hustler's Son II today!

And don't forget to FORWARD THIS NEWSLETTER to all your friends, family, co-workers, and associates that might appreciate what we have available at

We just completed our 39th month of existence, and we just climbed past 159100 hits to the website.

We THANK YOU for the continued support!

Pre-Order Your Copy of



Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Forthcoming: Shelia P. Moses - Joseph

Shelia P. Moses
Available Now!

For Joseph Flood, life is tough. Tough because of Mama's addiction to drugs and alcohol. Tough because Daddy is away with the army fighting in Iraq. Tough because it looks like there's no way out once you're living in a homeless shelter in a North Carolina ghetto neighborhood. And tough because Joseph is enrolled in yet another new school where he doesn't know anyone and has to keep what's going on in his life a secret.

Joseph struggles to keep Mama clean and to hold their broken family together while trying to make new friends and join the school tennis team. Can a boy who's only fifteen years old win his daily battle to survive?

Joseph is a powerful and moving story from the author of National Book Award finalist The Legend of Buddy Bush that looks at what it really takes for a boy to begin to become a man.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Forthcoming: Rena A. Finney - If I'm Gonna Love You

Rena A. Finney
If I'm Gonna Love You
Available Now!

Patrice Henderson's future is so bright, she has to rock her Dolce and Gabbana shades at all times, but living the good life isn't all that it seems. With her girls by her side through good times and bad, Patrice has always been able to make things happen in her life. But there is one thing missing--Patrice is desperately searching for that someone special.

Bryan Chambers is determined to be all the man Patrice will ever need. If there was ever a match made in heaven, Bryan believes it would be the two of them together. He is set on capturing her heart, regardless of all the obstacles Patrice throws at him. Bryan knows he can be Patrice's silver lining--once Patrice is ready to give up her search and let him into her heart.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - October 2008 - Pamela Samuels Young

October 2008

Pamela Samuels Young talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Murder On The Down Low'
- Her venture into self-publishing
- Her plans for the future
- Her literary journey
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview With
The Author of 'Murder On The Down Low'
Pamela Samuels Young

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...