Monday, November 16, 2009

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - October 2009 - RM Johnson

October 2009

RM Johnson talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- His newest release 'Million Dollar Demise'
- His recent non-fiction book 'Why Men Fear Marriage'
- His literary journey
- His take on the ever-changing book industry
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Million Dollar Demise'
RM Johnson

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Monday, September 07, 2009

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - August 2009 - Gloria Mallette

August 2009

Gloria Mallette talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Sassy'
- Her upcoming book 'SHHH!...Don't Tell'
- Her literary journey
- Her take on the ever-changing book industry
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Sassy'
Gloria Mallette

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Urban Reviews Online Book Discussion - SASSY by Gloria Mallette presents
Quarterly Book Club Discussion #1:

SASSY by Gloria Mallette

Book Description:

A successful romance novelist, Sassy is a woman looking to fulfill her own fantasy. When the man of her dreams steps right out of the pages of her latest novel, Butterfly, Sassy throws all caution to the wind and fall madly in love with Norris Yoshito. But what evil lies behind Norris's beautiful eyes and sexy smile? Is the man of Sassy's dream a serial killer of women who made the mistake of trusting Norris just as Sassy did? Is Sassy's love so deep for Norris that she fails to see the signs of a man who has no soul? Is Sassy's marriage a horrible mistake that will lead to her own death? What is Sassy to believe?

Instructions for Online Book Discussion

WARNING: Do NOT read the blog posts/comments if you have not read the book. This is an open discussion about the story itself, with questions about specific plot points, characters, scenes, etc. If you have not read the book, please do so BEFORE reading these posts. Thank you.

1. Gloria will post a brief bio about herself and a brief comment/anecdote about SASSY.
2. From there, we at Urban Reviews will post occassional questions for her to answer.
3. You can chime in at any time with additional questions, comments, or praise that you have for Gloria about the book.
4. This online discussion will go on all week (until Sunday, August 2nd), so if you need more time to finish the book, that is fine. Online blog posts will be closed at the end of the day Sunday, August 2nd and the discussion will conclude. The blog posts for this discussion will remain on the site indefinitely.
5. If at any point you have a question for Urban Reviews, please send an off-loop email to us at

This is an open discussion....absolutely ANYONE can chime in at anytime...even anonymously!


For more information about Gloria Mallette, please visit

Friday, July 17, 2009

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert - July 2009 - Zane

July 2009 (4-Year Anniversary Edition)

New York Times Best-Selling Author
Zane talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Head Bangers: An APF Sexcapade'
- Her many upcoming projects, including some highly-anticipated sequels
- Her current venture into television and details on the forthcoming Addicted movie
- Her thoughts on the changes in the African American Fiction industry
- Her advice to those who want to become authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The New York Times Best-Selling
Author Of 'Head Bangers'

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On The Line w/Radiah Hubbert - June 2009 - Connie Briscoe

June 2009

Connie Briscoe talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Sisters And Husbands'
- Her upcoming project
- Her literary journey
- Her thoughts on the changes in the book industry
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Sisters And Husbands'
Connie Briscoe

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On The Line w/Radiah Hubbert - May 2009 - Kimberly Kaye Terry

May 2009

Kimberly Kaye Terry talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Scream My Name' and upcoming projects
- Her story about getting into the book business
- Her thoughts on the literary industry
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Scream My Name'
Kimberly Kaye Terry

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Forthcoming: Double Insanity by Karen Thompkins

Karen Thompkins
Double Insanity
Available Now!

Double Insanity is a gritty account of a couple's tumultuous relationship and domestic drama. Filled with strong language and dark humor, Karen Thompkins chronicles in a raw yet entertaining way the disturbing events and bizarre behaviors that place in this emotional roller coaster romance. Jewel, a registered nurse with a sharp-tongue, becomes romantically involved with Tony, a violent ex-con, who just finished serving five years in prison for aggravated assault. Despite Tony s abusive behavior in the beginning of the relationship, Jewel becomes pregnant by him and the two marry. These two insane individuals are intertwined in the vicious cycle of violence, humiliation, and makeup sex- known as the sick dance . Having been raised in an abusive household, Jewel sees Tony's violent behavior as normal and tolerates it for seven years. However, it is Tony s infidelity that leads Jewel to snap and copy her lover s twisted, violent actions. In this revenge thriller, Jewel risks everything for the love of Tony, including her freedom.




Monday, May 04, 2009

Literary Soapbox updated with latest hot topic...Check it out!

I have a new blog posted on the Literary Soapbox site...It's about the African American Fiction section in bookstores.

Check it out by simply clicking here or going to the following link:

Please post your comments on that page, not here.  Thanks!
Radiah of Urban Reviews

Friday, April 17, 2009

Great Midwest Book Fest 2009 - Hosted by Urban Reviews - 7/25/09

Urban Reviews is holding its first annual GREAT MIDWEST BOOK FEST on July 25, 2009 from 1pm-4pm at Bradley's (4740 N Bradley Road) in Milwaukee, WI. There will be a total of 8-10 African American authors selling their books in a book fair setting. This event will be FREE and open to the public.

Our Main Attraction authors include:

Danita Carter (Peer Pleasure)
Tina Brooks McKinney (Dubious, Fool Stop Trippin', Lawd, Mo Drama)
Bettye Griffin (A New Kind Of Bliss, Once Upon A Project, If These Walls Could Talk)
Michelle Larks ('Til Debt Do Us Part, The Legacies, Keeping Misery Company).

The other 4-6 authors will be local authors and will be announced shortly.

Bookmark this page now:

This is the official website for all the information about the GREAT MIDWEST BOOK FEST 2009 event. You will be able to register right on the website and be eligible for the RSVP Gift Basket that will be given out during the event. You will find a map and directions to Bradley's, links to the official websites for each of the featured authors, and learn how you can be one of the 100 lucky attendees to receive a FREE SWAG BAG (which will include an additional FREE book).
If you are an author, publisher, or literary organization that would like to be a sponsor, please visit the website for a link to download our SPONSOR INQUIRY letter. Whether it is a monetary donation, advertising in the souvenir ad journal, or donating books or promotional items to the SWAG bags, there is definitely a way to get yourself introduced to a whole new group of readers.

PLEASE take the time now to help spread the word about this event. There are links on the event website as well as on your RSVP confirmation page that enable you to send out emails to your friends, family members and co-workers as well as post the information straight to your Facebook, Twitter, Myspace accounts. Feel free to forward this email message too.
We really want this event to be a success, not only for ourselves and the featured authors, but for Milwaukee as a whole. We would love to continue hosting this event every year, and we need the support of our fellow book lovers to spread the word. Based on the success of this event, who knows how big the GREAT MIDWEST BOOK FEST 2009 could be one day.

If you have any questions, please contact us at at any time.

Radiah of Urban Reviews

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - April 2008 - Eric Pete

April 2009

Eric Pete talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- His newest release 'Sticks And Stones' and upcoming projects
- His start as a self-published author
- His thoughts on the changes in the book industry
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Sticks And Stones'
Eric Pete

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

NEW RELEASE: The Queens' Legacy - Available Now!

Various Authors
The Queens' Legacy
Available Now!
The Queens' Legacy, an inspirational compilation of stories designed to inspire its readers to grow through what they go through so their greatness can show through. These 48 authors have been inspired by women who have been queens in their lives. Some of the queens are their mothers, some other family members, some Civil Rights leaders, some themselves. The common thread being they have made deposits in our lives that are worthy of celebration and conversation.
Read their stories.  Join their journeys.  Celebrate their triumphs.  Change your life forever.


Click Here To Read A Sample from The Queens' Legacy!



Thursday, April 02, 2009

Jean Holloway - Quad A Update

Hi Readers and Vendors,

Check out Quad A's new commercial!

I've extended the $25.00 early bird ticket until April 15th due to quite a few emails from folks asking for a little more time, you know with taxes due & this sad economy. I understand, that's one of the reasons I want to make this an inexpensive, but elegant day. You can choose to spend the entire day from 9:00a to 7:00p with 30 authors, inc. a buffet breakfast, library readings, ending with a meet & mingle @ the Uptown and transportation between venues for $35.00 or chose to join us later in the afternoon at the Uptown Restaurant & Lounge for hors'dourves and a cash bar from 3-7p. for $25.00. Uptown admission includes a free autographed copy from the participating author of your choice!

I've attached a new flyer that I think explains it all, but if you have any questions, please email me with "Quad A" as the subject.

Heartfully Yours,
Jean Holloway

P.S. I'm now an vendor.
Just click the "Add to Cart" button under Jean Holloway & you can receive a personally autographed copy of "Ace of Hearts" for ONLY $15.99 inc. shipping & handling.

I'd also like 2 extend my personal invitation 4 U 2 join my mailing list. From time 2 time, I may add new info, video, audio or pictures 2 my site & by joining my list, U'll know.

If you have a spam filter on your email account, please make sure to add me to your Contacts.
Join me with BTR host, John R. Williams on

Coming May, 2009 "Black Jack", the sequel.

The Lowdown! (Sneak Peek for April 2009 Update)

Hey everybody!  Here's another edition of

The Lowdown! - A Sneak Peek at what's coming soon in April 2009!
We will be posting our exclusive interview with author Eric Pete as he discusses his newest book Sticks & Stones, his upcoming book Reality Check, how he got into the business, his thoughts on the ever-changing book market and more!
Contests being featured next month include Prey For Love by Leyton Wint, 2 Romance prize packsSingle Husbands by HoneyB and more!!!
Here are a few snippets from reviews going up next month:
Bittersweet Love by Rochelle Alers
"Alers does a wonderful job introducing the Eaton family and piquing your interest for future Eaton novels."

Step To This by Nikki Carter
"I love that the character is an average teen who marches to her own beat and has issues, yet doesn't mind sticking up for herself."

Illusions by Wanda B. Campbell
"This is one of the best books I have read in a longtime."

The Buzz by Stephanie Newell
"Stefanie Nevell did a good job of showing how celebrity gossip goes wrong."

Don't forget to bookmark and check it out later.  New update going up this weekend...with another 50 or more releases to be added!
And be sure to sign up for the Urban Reviews Facebook Group if you haven't done so already!  We are already over 300 members in a matter of 5 days!
Okay...that's enough for now!  Stay tuned for our April 2009 update for more! 
Radiah of Urban Reviews

Monday, March 30, 2009



GO TO OR click here to get to the Facebook Group page.

You may have to login into your Facebook account before going to group page.

This network will serve as a sister group to the Urban Reviews Yahoo Group located at (or click here to access the Urban Reviews Yahoo Group with 600+ members to date).  And like Yahoo Group members, Facebook Group members will also be eligible for all our monthly contests.

We expect there will be about 150-200 members in less than 24 hours (it has been about 8 hours, and we have already eclipsed 89 members!), with a potential for 500-1000 members in a month's time.  So all you readers...get ready to explore new authors and books!  And authors, be ready to share your world and your works with hundreds of members! 

Please tell a friend...or forward this information to your entire friends list! 

Radiah of Urban Reviews

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

On Deck - New Releases Scheduled For The Week Ending 3/28/09

Here are a couple releases coming out this week as well as a few that snuck out that we didn't announce previously.
For more info, visit

Urban Reviews

Sunday, March 22, 2009 - There Is Still Time To Win! FIVE GIVEAWAYS LEFT FOR MARCH!


The Long Fall by Walter Mosley

God Only Knows by Xavier Knight


Sexcapadesby HoneyB
RAW: An Erotic Street Tale by Shay
Where There's Smoke by Terra Little
Spittin' Game by T. L. Bryant
Talk To Me by Pat Simmons (prize pack)
Click here to join urbanreviews
Wanna win? You must be an
Urban Review Yahoo Group
Member to be eligible to win!
Join now for your chance! - March 2009 Update

New AA Fiction Reviews for March 2009!

New Inside Out Q&A's for March 2009

With Author/Publisher/Talk Show Host
Tina Brooks McKinney!

Right Click and Save On Hard Drive
or Copy/Paste Into Your Windows Media Player!

Yahoo Group:
Black Book Releases:
Urban C.R.E.A.M.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

On Deck - New Releases Scheduled For The Week Ending 3/21/09!

Here are a couple releases coming out this week as well as a few that snuck out that we didn't announce previously.
For more info, visit

Urban Reviews

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...