Tuesday, May 26, 2009

On The Line w/Radiah Hubbert - May 2009 - Kimberly Kaye Terry

May 2009

Kimberly Kaye Terry talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Scream My Name' and upcoming projects
- Her story about getting into the book business
- Her thoughts on the literary industry
- Her advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'Scream My Name'
Kimberly Kaye Terry

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Forthcoming: Double Insanity by Karen Thompkins

Karen Thompkins
Double Insanity
Available Now!

Double Insanity is a gritty account of a couple's tumultuous relationship and domestic drama. Filled with strong language and dark humor, Karen Thompkins chronicles in a raw yet entertaining way the disturbing events and bizarre behaviors that place in this emotional roller coaster romance. Jewel, a registered nurse with a sharp-tongue, becomes romantically involved with Tony, a violent ex-con, who just finished serving five years in prison for aggravated assault. Despite Tony s abusive behavior in the beginning of the relationship, Jewel becomes pregnant by him and the two marry. These two insane individuals are intertwined in the vicious cycle of violence, humiliation, and makeup sex- known as the sick dance . Having been raised in an abusive household, Jewel sees Tony's violent behavior as normal and tolerates it for seven years. However, it is Tony s infidelity that leads Jewel to snap and copy her lover s twisted, violent actions. In this revenge thriller, Jewel risks everything for the love of Tony, including her freedom.




Monday, May 04, 2009

Literary Soapbox updated with latest hot topic...Check it out!

I have a new blog posted on the Literary Soapbox site...It's about the African American Fiction section in bookstores.

Check it out by simply clicking here or going to the following link:


Please post your comments on that page, not here.  Thanks!
Radiah of Urban Reviews

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...