Monday, July 27, 2009

Urban Reviews Online Book Discussion - SASSY by Gloria Mallette presents
Quarterly Book Club Discussion #1:

SASSY by Gloria Mallette

Book Description:

A successful romance novelist, Sassy is a woman looking to fulfill her own fantasy. When the man of her dreams steps right out of the pages of her latest novel, Butterfly, Sassy throws all caution to the wind and fall madly in love with Norris Yoshito. But what evil lies behind Norris's beautiful eyes and sexy smile? Is the man of Sassy's dream a serial killer of women who made the mistake of trusting Norris just as Sassy did? Is Sassy's love so deep for Norris that she fails to see the signs of a man who has no soul? Is Sassy's marriage a horrible mistake that will lead to her own death? What is Sassy to believe?

Instructions for Online Book Discussion

WARNING: Do NOT read the blog posts/comments if you have not read the book. This is an open discussion about the story itself, with questions about specific plot points, characters, scenes, etc. If you have not read the book, please do so BEFORE reading these posts. Thank you.

1. Gloria will post a brief bio about herself and a brief comment/anecdote about SASSY.
2. From there, we at Urban Reviews will post occassional questions for her to answer.
3. You can chime in at any time with additional questions, comments, or praise that you have for Gloria about the book.
4. This online discussion will go on all week (until Sunday, August 2nd), so if you need more time to finish the book, that is fine. Online blog posts will be closed at the end of the day Sunday, August 2nd and the discussion will conclude. The blog posts for this discussion will remain on the site indefinitely.
5. If at any point you have a question for Urban Reviews, please send an off-loop email to us at

This is an open discussion....absolutely ANYONE can chime in at anytime...even anonymously!


For more information about Gloria Mallette, please visit

Friday, July 17, 2009

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert - July 2009 - Zane

July 2009 (4-Year Anniversary Edition)

New York Times Best-Selling Author
Zane talks to Radiah Hubbert about:

- Her newest release 'Head Bangers: An APF Sexcapade'
- Her many upcoming projects, including some highly-anticipated sequels
- Her current venture into television and details on the forthcoming Addicted movie
- Her thoughts on the changes in the African American Fiction industry
- Her advice to those who want to become authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The New York Times Best-Selling
Author Of 'Head Bangers'

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

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