Sunday, January 31, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Gail McFarland - Dream Keeper

Dream Keeper (Indigo)Dream Keeper -
Gail McFarland -
Available Now! -
4.5 out of 5 books -

Marissa "Rissa" Traylor has got the life. She's beautiful, has a successful sports agency, and has a sexy husband that loves her like Jesus loves the church. The one thing she doesn't have is a child. Dennis Charles "Dench" Traylor is the new head football coach of the Atlanta team, thanks to Rissa. He has a wonderful job and a beautiful wife. Dench would love to have a child of his own because he was raised by his aunt and never got the full family experience growing up. After four years of trying, Rissa and Dench are finally pregnant. When the pregnancy ends in a miscarriage, it is left up to Dench to hold his wife and their marriage together.

Dream Keeper is a well written story by Gail McFarland. The characters, both primary and secondary, are very well developed and the story also flows very well. Dream Keeper deals with the issue of infertility. This brings a realness to the characters in the book because most women have dealt with infertility, directly or indirectly, at some point in their life. Dream Keeper is a very good read!

Reviewed By Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Dream Keeper today!

NEW REVIEW: Sonya Sparks - Too Many Secrets & Too Many Lies II

Too Many Secrets Too Many Lies 2Too Many Secrets & Too Many Lies II -
Sonya Sparks -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Sonya Sparks has penned an even more wicked sequel filled to capacity with adulterous affairs, lustful thoughts, lies, and even murder. We're brought up to par with Kayla opening the door to DeShun, her baby's daddy and her rapist. Kayla has moved on with her life and has allowed Damian into her heart and into her world. Damian finds himself betrayed by his mother because of her weakness for alcohol, which causes him to lose his business to his uncle.

In the mean time, DeShun is sexing Angela Bryson, and she's began a destructive path of eliminating any and all competition by omission or commission. Jordan and Ashland have found some semblance of sanity in their world but of course trouble brews for one and all in this fast paced dramatic novel.

Too Many Secrets & Too Many Lies II by Sonya Sparks is a mind-boggling read that has your mind racing as the actions of the characters shock you with their senseless antics. It keeps you guessing with who’s loving whom, who’s the father of whom, victor or victim, it’s a massive maze and you’ll catch the devil trying to unravel this chaotic web of deceit. Too Many Secrets & Too Many Lies II was just a mediocre read since it felt like a rush job. In my personal opinion, there were far too many characters and subplots, and the story lacked organized structure. Poor editing proved to be very distracting as well as surprising considering the affiliation to Richard Jeanty, a veteran publisher in the African-American literary arena.

Reviewed by Tazzyt2bossye for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Too Many Secrets & Too Many Lies II today!

NEW REVIEW: Shay Nolon - Everything You Owe Me

Everything You Owe MeEverything You Owe Me -
by Shay Nolon -
Available Now! -

3.5 out of 5 books -

Everything You Owe Me by Shay Nolon is a story of two cousins, Dannay and Tosha, whom are the best of friends. Dannay is happily married to David, a loving and devoted husband, and is blessed with a great career. Dannay and David eagerly anticipate the arrival of their first born child. Unfortunately, this picture perfect marriage is not how it seems. Dannay is worried sick about her cousin Tosha. She is so caught up in Tosha's problems that she fails to see that something is wrong within her own marriage.

Tosha has been married to Devon for three years. After suffering a miscarriage, their marriage seems to be in turmoil. Devon starts keeping late hours at the office (or so he claims) and picking fights with Tosha to get out the house and stay gone. Tosha feels deep in her heart that Devon may be cheating. Although she is hurt, she is determined to hold on to her marriage and feels that as long as they are together, they can work through anything. Little does she realize that Devon has been living a double life, and the truth may very well tear her apart.

Everything You Owe Me by Shay Nolon is a story of heartbreak, love, lies, betrayal and murder. Ms. Nolan does a great job in conveying emotional ties between each character and had a great story and plot. Aside from some minor editing issues, I only had a problem with a key point in the story. Without giving a spoiler, I just felt that in this day and age, it was not plausible for this thing to happen or if it could have, Ms. Nolon could have really explained away any doubts. I feel with a little more detail with this matter, Everything You Owe Me could have easily been a 5 star novel. I look forward to reading more by this new author. Ms. Nolon is definitely an author to keep your eye on.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Everything You Owe Me today!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Sunday, January 24, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Serena Williams with Daniel Paisner - On The Line

On the LineSerena Williams with Daniel Paisner - On The Line -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Serena Williams bares it all: the good, the bad, and the ugly. Williams gives an up close and personal look at her rise to the #1 spot in women's tennis. She gives an honest account of her family dynamics. Not only the tennis aspect, but the personal aspects as well. Serena also talks about how tennis was her life and also about the time when she had no desire to play anymore. She gives journal entries throughout the book that also add a personal touch.

On the Line is a well written book. The book flows very well without having lagging moments. There is quite a bit of tennis jargon but it is still easy to follow even if you are not up on your tennis lingo. On the Line is a very nicely written book.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of On the Linetoday!

NEW REVIEW: GStarr - Pulling Me Back

GStarr -
Pulling Me Back -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books

Bre Morgan comes from a privileged background. She lives in a beautiful apartment that is furnished with nothing but the best money can buy. She has a great job at her daddy's own company. Unfortunately, her love life is not so great. Bre has been involved with Sean for approximately four years. Due to Sean's occupation, he is emotionally and physically unavailable. Bre's friends try to warn her that something just does not seem right with Sean and that he seems to be hiding something. Bre soon finds out that the man she loves has been living a double life. After uncovering lies better left hidden, she is determined to make Sean pay for his betrayal.

Jordan Powers loves the ladies. She is a player in every sense of the word. After having her heart broken in college, Jordan swears off love and relationships until she begins to fall for her best friend. After trying to nurse a broken heart once again, she gets with the next woman in hopes of masking the hurt. Unfortunately, Jordan scorns the wrong woman, and she is about to find out that you cannot play with people's hearts and emotions.

Somewhere along the way, Bre and Jordan will cross that line between friends and into the territory of lovers. Is it true what they say...that friends make better lovers? Since Bre has never been with a woman before, she needs to deal with her newfound feelings and keep it a secret from her friends. When everything is revealed in the worst way, will her friends still be there for her in the end? Will Bre and Jordan be able to have a relationship when it is all said and done?

Pulling Me Back by GStarr is a story of friendships, love, lies and betrayal. It was a fast-paced read, laced with steamy sex scenes. The only issue I had with this book was the editing. Author GStarr makes a stunning debut with Pulling Me Back!

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Pulling Me Back today!

NEW REVIEW: Erick S. Gray, De'nesha Diamond, Nichelle Walker - Heartbreaker

HeartbreakerErick S. Gray, De'nesha Diamond, Nichelle Walker -
Heartbreaker (Anthology) -
Available January 26, 2010! -

5 out of 5 books -

De'nesha Diamond presents the divine Delvon Jackson that is a pure bred lover man! Thriving off of challenges, he becomes mesmerized with the beautiful, wealthy, and inaccessible Sabrina Walker. The only thing he has to offer Sabrina is great sex and his unconditional love. But is that really enough? What is he willing to do to have her for his very own? Is she all that he thinks she is, or is his gullible nature allowing him to be reeled into a web of deceit?

Erick S. Gray introduces man-eater Cha who shows no mercy as she devours men's hearts and their money for her private pleasures. She does not discriminate as she spreads her love with one exception…no attachments, just hard core sex and of course cash or credit card, please. Cha happens upon someone from her past that turned her heart into stone and revenge has never been so sweet. Will she be able to fulfill this final fantasy? Is she who she presents herself to be? What other secrets does she harbor? Will the finale be mastered by her cunning female wiles or her true gangsta mentality?

Nichelle Walker provides us with Kandy, an aggressive diva that has lived on both sides of the coin and is determined that she's going to remain on the "heads up" side. She originates The Kandy Girlz, a crew of beautiful, wanton women that are willing to satisfy sexual fantasies of the rich and famous for a price. Kandy learns the game early when she loses her parents, their money and their security to one of life's cruelest blows. She finds stability in the use of her body to manipulate men and outwits them 90 to nothing. Will Kandy continue to reap the benefits without recourse? Or will she fall victim to the game that she thought she had mastered?

Heartbreaker is penned by three amazing authors that have contributed to one of the best anthologies that I have read in a very long time. The three stories exemplified their natural skills as they enthrall the reader with captivating characters that stay true to form! Each story reeks of intrigue, hot sex scenes, excellent word play, and great character development. Each conclusion is unique, although De'nesha and Erick's are poetically justified! Kudos to all three contributors! Magnificente!!!

Reviewed by Tazzyt2bossye for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Heartbreakertoday!

NEW REVIEW: J. Lynn - Life's not a Beach

Life's not a Beach
J. Lynn -
Life's not a Beach -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

While there's many people looking for sex and love, there's quite a few who get it and have no idea what to do with it. The other half of us are sometimes standing by dreaming of what we would do if we had it. Life's not a Beach explores the lives of several adults; some who get what they want, and others who have to take theirs and then some. The main characters in this book can be considered the "Human Web" or Six Degrees of "Separation" because there are only one or two people separating them.

Sasha is dating Derrick, Derrick is sleeping with Sasha's girl Ursula, who's dating Levar. But after LeVar exhibits "mad cow disease," Ursula breaks up with him and starts sleeping with Trey. Trey is Savon's boy who just happens to be dating Sasha after she tells Derrick to walk.

Derrick kicks Ursula to the bottom of his booty call list, and Ursula tries to "come on" to Savon. In the midst of all this drama and sexual tension, the reader is introduced to a back drop story which adds a new element of drama to the lives of Sasha and Savon, interlocking them even deeper.

This book is a severe look at relationships and the drama we bring into them. It looks at human desires and how not in control of our emotions and sexual drive we really are. Life's not a Beach proves to the reader that life isn't perfect while we journey for love.

I thought J. Lynn did a good job at writing a story about the relationships of friends, rivals and haters. Some experiences of the characters are told from each character's experience, and at times, the repetition was a bit much. Neither that nor the small print is enough to leave this book sitting on the shelf.

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Life's not a Beach today!

NEW REVIEW: Nene Leakes with Denene Millner - Never Make The Same Mistake Twice

Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard WayNene Leakes with Denene Millner -
Never Make The Same Mistake Twice -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

The Real Housewives of Atlanta star NeNe Leakes is known for being loud, outspoken, opinionated, and at times brash. In her book Never Make the Same Mistake Twice, NeNe opens that hard protective shell she has placed around herself, to keep out hurt and disappointment, and allows her readers and fans a glimpse at who Nene really is and how she became to be.

She reveals things in her book that she has never talked about on the show. Her book reads like a conversation you would have with your girlfriends. The book reveals vulnerability, humor, and soul cleansing. It shows you another side of the multifaceted NeNe Leakes. If you are a Housewives fan, you will enjoy this look into the life of NeNe Leakes. Even if you are not a fan, Never Make the Same Mistake Twice is a pretty good read.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Never Make the Same Mistake Twice: Lessons on Love and Life Learned the Hard Way today!

NEW REVIEW: Gwynne Forster - A Change Had To Come

A Change Had To Come
Gwynne Forster -
A Change Had to Come -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Food editor Leticia Langley has a new lease on life now that she landed a great job. Once she gives herself a makeover, including some luscious long locks, she has the courage to take on any assignment. Leticia plans to attend her estranged family reunion in New Orleans and take on her colleague/nemesis Max Baldwin. But when she finds her hate turn to admiration turn to passion, will she have the courage to take a chance on loving Max?

A Change Had to Come has a great premise, but doesn't deliver. Leticia's story begins in an awkward place filled with flashbacks and back story intertwined into the plot. If Forster would have allowed the reader the chance to understand Leticia on their own, then she would be a more likeable character. However, her snooty attitude that comes along with the makeover makes her hard to relate to for a good portion
of the novel’s beginning.

Overall the story had great potential to be a lovely romance, but the execution just wasn't there. It was nice to see the world of food insiders and food reporting. Leticia's job was fresh and interesting. Readers will have fun with her and Max’s antics.

Reviewed by Dee Stewart for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of A Change Had To Come today!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Allison Hobbs - The Sorceress: A Novel

The Sorceress: A Novel (Zane Presents)Allison Hobbs -
The Sorceress: A Novel -
Available Now! -

4.5 out of 5 books -

Allison Hobbs is back with the exciting follow-up to The Enchantress. After being banished to the Dark Realm, a place that seems worse than hell, Eris “the Goddess of Destruction” is trying to find her ticket out. She is hell-bent on exacting revenge on those that have wronged her. The first thing Eris is determined to do is get back her precious jewels. She tries using trickery and deception on her sister, Tara “the Goddess of Compassion” with the hopes that Tara can talk to the council to free her from her confines. Xavier a.k.a. Ethan is only able to do so much since he is in the form of a human child.

Meanwhile on the other side, Ethan is a peculiar child. Seemingly autistic and a weird constant wheezing makes for a creepy child. Day in and day out, Ethan sits at his computer looking at bridges. Angry that he is stuck in the body of a child, Xavier is determined to find a way to free Eris from the Dark Realm, only for his own selfish reasons…to get revenge on his parents for past deeds done wrong in another life.

Then you have Jen, the live-in nanny. Jen is terrified of little Ethan and cannot understand why his parents don’t see how strange he really is. Then again, maybe they do since neither one of them seem to stay home much. Jen wishes daily that she was able to quit her job. Unfortunately, she needs it more than she cares to admit. When she sees the “ghost lady” on the bridge, she knows that somehow she is connected to Ethan and his bridges.

The Sorceress by Allison Hobbs is a tale of the paranormal, laced with freaky sex scenes. This is a good vs. evil type of tale, one where you will wonder who will be the victor. Although it has been a few years since The Enchantress was released, Ms. Hobbs does an excellent job in bringing you back into the fold of the story and where it left off. The Sorceress was a page turner to say the least!

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of The Sorceress: A Novel (Zane Presents) today!

NEW REVIEW: Cereka Cook - Insanely In Love

Insanely In LoveCereka Cook -
Insanely In Love -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Investment mogul Jack Anderson had it all…good looks, money, and could charm any woman out of her clothes. He seemed like a dream come true. But be careful for what you dream for because sometimes a dream can be a nightmare. Women were constantly throwing themselves at Jack trying to become Mrs. Jack Anderson. Jack thought he had it all, but the only thing that was missing was love...that is until he meets Rain Hunter.

     After having one date with Rain, Jack becomes obsessed with her. He's determined to make her his permanently, and he will do whatever it takes to make that happen. Rain was getting a little too comfortable with Jack, and eventually she will finds out who the real Jack is.  Will Rain be able to resist Jack, or will she get taken in by all of the glamour?

     Insanely in Love puts you in the mind of Fatal Attraction with Glenn Close, but this time it’s the male that was a little crazed instead of the woman. As I turned each page, the story seemed more and more predictable. You could figure out what Jack was going to do to keep Rain in his reaching distance. I really wasn't feeling this book because it seemed like things were happening over and over again. If Cereka Cook could have put a little twist to it, that would have made the book a little better. It didn't take too long to finish Insanely in Love because you know how it will end.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

NEW REVIEW: Vanessa Davis Griggs - Goodness And Mercy

Goodness and MercyVanessa Davis Griggs
Goodness And Mercy
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Gabrielle Mercedes had a dream like every little girl...she wanted to become a dancer. An unfortunate event put a delay on her life's dream, and her life took another direction. When Gabrielle started to wonder what her purpose in life was, she turned to God to find out what's been missing in her life. When she found a church that she enjoyed attending, the Lord spoke to her heart again when she found out that the church had a dance ministry.

     At this point, Gabrielle knew things were falling right where they needed to be. Then she meets a handsome man by the name of Zachary Wayne Morgan. Zachary was not only handsome, but he was a successful businessman. They started attending church together, and nothing could make Gabrielle happier. But she will realize that sometimes happiness can be tested. Something from her past could put a permanent wedge between her and Zachary. Will Gabrielle be able to hold on to her faith while struggling with her past?

     While reading Goodness and Mercy, it will make you laugh, cry, shout, and praise God. This book has a lot of emotion, and I thoroughly enjoyed the realization of each character. You felt for Gabrielle when her past came back to haunt her and prayed with her when she was trying to make it through. The way Vanessa Davis Griggs wrote this novel was outstanding. There was just enough detail so that you would understand what was going on. Goodness and Mercy was a true page-turner and will make you want more and more.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Goodness and Mercy today!

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...