Tuesday, March 16, 2010


INSIDE OUT WITH SHAY NOLON - Author of 'Everything You Owe Me' -
Shay Nolon is the author of Everything You Owe Me (December 2009), and Greedy (August 2010). She is also the author of self-published title Tell Me No Lies (October 2006).

Shay Nolon currently resides in Kansas City, Missouri. You can find out more info about this author at http://www.hollygrovepublishing.com/, Author's Den, or Facebook.

1. Tell our readers about Everything You Owe Me.
A. Well, Everything You Owe Me is about two cousins, Tosha and Dannay, whose lives and marriages couldn't be more different - at least that's how things appear on the surface. Tosha struggles to hold on to her crumbling marriage despite signs that her husband is cheating. Dannay's marriage is the picture of perfection, and she is the only person Tosha can turn to. Who will Dannay have to turn to when the perfect image of her marriage shatters?

2. How did the idea for this book come about?
A. The idea for this book came about by my observance of the lengths that people will go to in the name of love, especially when there is a marital committment involved. Some people are willing to let go, while other's are determined to hold on by any means necessary.

3. What was it that pushed you to want to become a writer?
A. As a child with a love of books and reading, it had always been my dream to become a writer.

4. What has been the biggest challenge for you in regards to the book business?
A. The harderst challenge for me in regards to the book business has been carving out a name for myself and reaching a larger reading market.

Everything You Owe Me
5. What are your ultimate goals as far as the book industry?
A. My goals as far as the book industry is to keep producing stories that resonate with readers, to continue to hone my skills as a writer, and hopefully one day have writing be my fulltime career.

6. What things did you do to help prepare yourself for your literary journey?
A. Some of the things I did to help prepare myself for my literary journey was to read a lot of the type of stories that I enjoy writing, to research and study the literary market, and I tried my hand in the self-publishing arena to gain valuable experience on what it takes to promote and sell my work.

7. Do you have any ideas or plans for an upcoming project?
A. I've been tossing around some ideas for my next book. I just haven't decided on a title yet, but it's in the works as we speak.

8. Do you have any favorite authors or books?
A. Some of my favorite authors are Eric Jerome Dickey, Gloria Mallette, Kimberla Lawson Roby, J.D. Mason, Miasha, Sapphire, Dwayne S. Joseph, Brian W. Smith, and a whole list of other authors that I admire.

9. What advice do you have for others thinking of getting into the book business?
A. The advice I would give to others thinking of getting into the book business is to come armed with a lot of faith, endurance, patience, and belief in yourself. You have to be ready to take the positive and the negative as an essential step to bettering yourself as a writer.

10. Is there anything else you would like to share about yourself or your novel?
A. Be on the look out for my second novel on the Hollygrove label titled Greedy, and if you want to order a copy of Everything You Owe Me, you can go to the Hollygrove publishing website, Amazon.com, Tower.com, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or wherever books are sold.

Order your copy of Everything You Owe Me today!


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