Tuesday, April 27, 2010

NEW REVIEW: J. Tremble - My Man, Her Son

My Man, Her SonJ. Tremble -
My Man, Her Son -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

After two years of attending Xavier University, Rayshawn decides that he needs a break. His single, hardworking mother, Lynn, wants nothing more than her only son to become a successful doctor...but Rayshawn has other ideas. He really wants to be a professional photographer, so while he is home taking a semester off from school, his mother’s best-friend Ko-Ko gets him a job at Fantasy Girlz magazine where she works at.

Rayshawn is living out every young man’s fantasy, working around a bunch of scantily clad and naked women all day, every day. While Rayshawn is taking pictures of all the eye candy in front of him, a few of his co-workers are checking him out from behind, even his mom’s best-friend Ko-Ko. Ko-Ko is known for her promiscuous behavior, and when the owner of the company, Felice, starts showing interest in him, Ko-Ko becomes angry. Ko-Ko is determined not only to have Rayshawn all to herself but to keep Felice away from him at all costs. The attraction between Felice and Rayshawn soon becomes a love affair that no one seems to be happy about. When a secret is exposed that has been kept from Rayshawn his entire life, Rayshawn’s life will never be the same.

My Man, Her Son by J. Tremble was a very good read. Just when you think you know where this story is headed, Mr. Tremble throws in a twist that leaves your mouth agape. My Man, Her Son is a story of love, lust, lies and betrayal. Mr. Tremble does an excellent job in keeping the reader engrossed. Although, I do have to say that the secret in the story was similar to that of another book I recently read that came out the same month. All in all, My Man, Her Son was still a good read.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of My Man, Her Son today!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Once again Leona nice review and this is one of my favorite authors. I met him at the 2007 Harlem book festival. I will be moving this book up on my list.


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