Friday, April 23, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Nikki Turner - Relapse

Relapse: A NovelNikki Turner -
Relapse -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Have you ever met someone who you just can’t forget? When you’re around that person, you feel euphoric? Your consciousness says no, but time and time again, you fall for the person like a bad habit?

Beijing Lee was the number one concierge in the area. Beijing dealt with an elite and exclusive clientele which included celebrities. Beijing takes pride in catering to her clients needs, no matter how small or big the request. Beijing's life was not always a walk in the park. A mother with mental problems, and a drug-addicted sister takes a toll on Beijing. Her only safe haven was her father, who raised her and taught her well. Beijing comes across a man named Lootchee who changes her world upside down. Will Lootchee and Beijing take there relationship to the next level, or will Lootchee cause more havoc and pain in Beijing’s life?

Rayna, one of Beijing's closest friends, didn’t have a good track record with men. Her latest boyfriend, York, was a suspicious character who pulled a lot scams and schemes that Rayna sometimes participated in. Rayna's friendship wasn’t genuine. The green-eyed monster was deep within Rayna and jealousy between friends is a dangerous thing. Will Rayna jeopardize her friendship with Beijing, or will she stand up and help her friend in a time of need?

Lootchee had it all: looks, money, cars, and a nice home. He was a man who was accustomed to getting what he wanted when he wanted...and Beijing was no exception. Beijing was not your typical woman, and after getting to know her, Lootchee was definitely up for a challenge. Their new relationship was intense from the start, but a relationship built upon secrets and deceit has little promise of making it. Lootchee really cares for Beijing, but time and time again he shows exactly the opposite. With fears of losing Beijing, will Lootchee step up and be honest, or will it be little too late?

Nikki Turner does it again with Relapse. I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and it definitely held my attention with all the twist and turns that occured throughout the novel. Beijing was met with many hard decisions regarding her love life, family, friends and job. The book takes you along that journey with her and the ramifications from the choices she was forced to make, especially the ones to take back control of her life. Relapse showed a woman who on one hand had it all and could take charge but at the same time be vulnerable to one man who seemed to have her under a spell.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Relapse: A Novel today!

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