Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Skyy Banks - Soul On Fire

Soul on FireSkyy Banks -
Soul On Fire -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

29-year-old Dana Taylor is a beautiful, educated and successful black woman that has a great career among Atlanta’s corporate world. Unfortunately, the one thing she seems to be missing is a good man to share her life with. Every relationship she has with a man is unhealthy, and all of them are sexual in nature. When her latest lover’s wife seeks out Dana for a confrontation, Dana tries to enlist her best friend for back up, but it seems to be a wake up call for her self destructive ways.

Around 3am every morning, Dana is woken out of her sleep from a horrible nightmare. All the dreams appear to stem around the same thing, and they seem all too real. The nightmares center around her childhood when she was a young girl. With lack of sleep and the dreams disturbing her so, she seeks out professional help to unlock the key to these dreams. When she is put under hypnosis, she is shocked to discover what these dreams unveil. In order to find peace and happiness, she will have to confront the people that hurt her in hopes of finding redemption.

Soul On Fire by Skyy Banks is a story of betrayal, sex, lies and loving one’s self. Soul On Fire reads like a true-to-life novel of one woman’s journey to unlocking the demons of her past in order to find a healthy medium in her relationships. The one thing that was frustrating was that the story lacked chapters. It was like one long continuation, making for a slightly difficult read. All in all though, Soul On Fire was a pretty good novel and with a few tweeks here and there, this would easily rate higher.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Soul on Fire today!

NEW REVIEW: Meta Smith - Sex Appeal

Sex AppealMeta Smith -
Sex Appeal -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Ebony Knight was a dominatrix to some very wealthy clients in Miami until everything spiraled out of control. Her supposed best friend and attorney Carmelita Sanchez framed her for murder and took off with millions of Ebony’s money. Carmelita also had Ebony committed to a psychiatric hospital. With the help of another mental patient, Ebony is now back out on the street ready for revenge. But getting her life back will be much harder that she expects when other people are after her as well. Time is running out as Ebony is trying to get her money back and trying to clear her good name.

Sex Appeal is a good sequel to Whip Appeal by Meta Smith. Smith continues the saga of Ebony Knight as she tries to track down Carmelita to get her money back. This story had a lot of twists that keeps this book moving at a good pace. There were also a host of entertaining secondary characters that provided some different elements to this story. You really see the growth of Ebony in this book as she tries to clear her name. Meta Smith once again brought us an entertaining page-turner with Sex Appeal.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Sex Appeal today!

NEW REVIEW: Naija - Spanish Flyy

Spanish FlyyNaija -
Spanish Flyy -
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books -

Dr. Raquel Howard is back living in the lap of luxury due to money she inherited from her dead fiancĂ©. She’s carved a new life for herself and has found love with Montez. But her love for Montez has opened the door to a whole new set of problems. Montez is dealing with some family drama that may be detrimental to all. Just when Raquel thinks that she can run from her past, someone is lurking in shadows seeking revenge.

Spanish Flyy by Naija is the explosive sequel to Between My Thighs by Naija. Naija draws the reader in from the first page with Raquel’s sexual exploits. The story moves at a fever pitch as Raquel and Montez’s relationship grows. Montez family drama was a lot more interesting than Raquel’s in this book. Readers will find that you can read this book as a standalone, but it would be good to read the first book in order to fill in the gaps. Of course there is plenty of steamy sex that keeps this book moving. Spanish Flyy is a true erotic thriller.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Spanish Flyy today! 

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Terra Little - When There's Smoke 2

Where There's Smoke 2Terra Little -
Where There's Smoke 2 -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Things are finally coming together for Smoke and Anne. They are happily in love, and life seems to be on the up and up. But for Smoke and Anne, life is never that simple. Smoke’s ex-girl Diana is stalking him, and he can’t seem to get away from her. Anne suspects that Smoke is stepping out on her, and she’s looking for a little revenge of her own. Anne also finally deals with the fractured relationship that she has with her mother. Smoke and Anne’s son Isaiah is away at college making better choices for his life. Isaiah’s past comes back to haunt him when his old nemesis Hood shows up on campus to cause more drama. In order to save their son, Anne and Smoke have to make some tough choices that could cost them a lot more than they bargained for.

Where There’s Smoke 2 is a good sequel to Where’s There Smoke by Terra Little. Little brought back the characters that we love as well as the ones that we love to hate. You get to see how Smoke and Anne’s relationship grows and how Isaiah is trying to stay on the right path. Readers will finally get the answer as to why Anne’s mother treated her the way she did. This story wouldn’t be complete with some hilarious dialogue and situations. Where There’s Smoke 2 is full of the drama, humor and wittiness that Terra Little is known for.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Where There's Smoke 2 today! 

NEW REVIEW: Electa Rome Parks - Diary of a Stalker

Diary of a Stalker (Urban Renaissance)Electa Rome Parks -
Diary of a Stalker -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Xavier Preston is a sexy, bestselling author who loves his adoring female fans and has no problem with spending one on one time with them. But Xavier’s random trysts have come to an end because he’s engaged to a beautiful and smart woman named Kendall. But can Xavier truly change his ways? Pilar has everything that she’s ever wanted in life except for the perfect man. Pilar is a huge fan of Xavier’s novels and thinks that he is the man for her. Things get interesting when she finally meets Xavier, and they have a memorable one-night stand. Pilar is ready for a long-term commitment, but Xavier is not trying to leave his fiancĂ© for her. But Xavier is in for a rude awaking when Pilar’s unstable behavior causes more problems that he ever imagined.

Diary of A Stalker is a classic tale of when having an obsession with an author goes terribly wrong. Electa Rome Parks does a good job of showing how Pilar went from being a seemingly normal, professional businesswoman on the outside to an obsessed, crazy person on the inside. You also see how Xavier shared a lot of the responsibility of how this sordid relationship went down. Two of the biggest lessons in this book are that you shouldn’t play with other people’s feelings and to recognize the signs of a stalker. Electa Rome Parks penned another wonderful novel with Diary of a Stalker.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Diary of a Stalker (Urban Renaissance) today! 

NEW REVIEW: Tina Brooks McKinney - Deep Deception

Deep Deception (Urban Renaissance)Tina Brooks McKinney -
Deep Deception -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Veronica is in big trouble when she starts having an affair with her boss. But the problems are just beginning when she finds out that she’s pregnant with another man’s child. Will she be able to break this to her husband and still keep their marriage intact? Veronica’s sister Victoria has her own set of problems due to her being involved in a relationship that her family would disown her for. Veronica and Victoria will face the biggest challenge of their lives when their mother dies suddenly. Things get even more strange when their father comes back home, and he is nothing like they remembered. Time is running out, and Veronica is trying to get answers to some questions that were raised in her mom’s letters...but a sinister plan may stop Veronica in her tracks.

Deep Deception is the perfect title for Tina Brooks McKinney’s latest novel. This story is full of family drama and secrets. Veronica and Victoria already have their own issues, but the storyline really starts to take off when their mother passes away. Just when you think you have this book figured out, McKinney throws in a curveball that will keep you glued to the pages. The inclusion of drug cartels, federal agents, and secret identities gave this book a unique suspenseful twist. There are so many surprising revelations in this story that you will definitely want a sequel to this book. Deep Deception is another thought-provoking page-turner by Tina Brooks McKinney.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Deep Deception (Urban Renaissance) today!

NEW REVIEW: Mary "Honey B" Morrison - Married On Mondays

Married on Mondays
Mary "Honey B" Morrison -
Marriod On Mondays -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Foxy, Victoria, and Deja are sisters that run a successful bakery by day. Unbeknownst to their husbands, they fulfill the wild sexual fantasies of their clients at night at Crème Fantasyland. Although both businesses are successful, things are not that easy on the home front. Foxy can’t get any attention from her husband, and she can’t stop the affair that she’s having with her ex fiancĂ©. Victoria is happily married to her wife Naomi, but she runs into some problems when the chief of police makes an indecent proposal that may shut down the business. Deja tries to keep everyone on course, but her controlling ways may be her own downfall.

Mary “Honey B” Morrison brought us an interesting tale with Married On Mondays. Foxy, Victoria, and Deja are all in the same business but are very different in regards to their personal lives. The only person that was the most normal out of the three was Deja. Honey B was creative with the bakery by day and the sexual fantasy wishes by night angle. This story had a good premise, but it felt like something was missing when reading it. The only person that was dealing with the “Married On Mondays” dilemma was Foxy. Since one of the main focuses of the story is Crème Fantasyland, the readers should have been treated to more of the sisters servicing their clients in detail instead of just one or two episodes. This story lacked the over-the-top erotica and juiciness that are found in Mary “Honey B” Morrison’s previous works. Everything is also wrapped up way too clean at the end of this novel. Married On Mondays is still a decent novel.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Married on Mondays today!

NEW REVIEW: Caleb Alexander - Belly of the Beast

Belly of the BeastCaleb Alexander -
Belly of the Beast -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Welcome to the belly of the beast, otherwise known as the federal prison system. When Christian a.k.a. "C" and best friend Enrique a.k.a. Henry get locked up together, they soon realize that it is survival of the fittest...where races are divided and racist prison guards work.

This is Christian’s emotional journey through the belly of the beast. This is where friends become enemies, life soon results in death, color lines are drawn, and gangs, rapes and riots are commonplace. Christian goes on to found an organization called Umkhonto, one that will protect the brothers or the blacks and try to run interference with other groups within the prison with the hopes of keeping the violence down. With Umkhonto, it was Christian’s hope that they take the unity and do whatever it is they can to help another brother out when they got out into the free world.

Belly of the Beast by Caleb Alexander is unlike any urban-lit novel you will ever read. This book is told from an inmate's point of view on life inside the federal prison system. It is a heart-wrenching novel that will make you cringe. It is a journey told from a young brother that through his life experiences being locked up like an animal, becomes a man behind bars. Mr. Alexander did a fantastic job with this novel, and I absolutely loved the knowledge he dropped. Belly of the Beast was not only educational, but enlightening.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Belly of the Beast today!

Monday, June 28, 2010

NEW REVIEW: J.M. Benjamin - Heaven And Earth

Heaven & EarthJ.M. Benjamin -
Heaven And Earth -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

Heavenly Jacobs was born to a hustler and was his arm candy. Tragedy robbed Heaven at a young age of the luxurious lifestyle that she was destined for. Eartha Davis was born to a mother that lived the life of a hustler, loved ladies and never felt she should shield her child from such delicate matters. These two meet in Edna Mahan Correctional Facility and form a bond that is shatterproof.

Upon their release, they recruit a crew of ladies that will assist them in asserting their street credibility in the drug game while claiming their own niche in the hood. Whether it’s word play, hand to hand combat, or Smith and Wesson wild, wild west style, these ladies are down for theirs by any means necessary. Facing challenges for territory, intelligence, and being gangsta against their male adversaries are occurrences that these ladies face without blinking an eye.

J.M. Benjamin penned an intense and intriguing novel centered on females dominating in a man’s world and in a man’s game with masculinity as well as feminity. Power struggles, violence, jealousy, murder, sexuality, death and revenge ring loud and clear in this read. Will a missing link disassemble this vicious team of females? Is their a snake in their mist? Is it true that this is really a man’s world and women have one place that they prevail? Will they have to face a life behind bars as they hear the chant of the closing cell door? These and other plots await you within the pages of this novel. The storyline tended to lean toward a common plot with females in urban lit which proved to be a bit redundant. Heaven and Earth proved to be a decent read, but the editing problems did prove to be distracting as well.

Reviewed by Tazzyt2bossye for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Heaven & Earth today!

NEW REVIEW - Patricia Sargeant - Heated Rivalry

Heated RivalryPatricia Sargeant -
Heated Rivalry -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

Valerie Parker could not understand why her father insisted on pushing her away. Ever since her mother died twelve years ago, she has been seeking the attention and approval of her father. When her father consistently passes her over for promotions she has obviously earned and gives her new clients to ex-NBA star Steven Crennell, Valerie can't believe it.

After a career-ending knee injury, Steven decides to invest in Parker Publishing and put his people skills to work...and not get caught in a family dispute. Steven knows something is wrong with Valerie and her father's relationship, but he is not sure what. He just wants Valerie to stop treating him like the enemy.

Along with all of this, Steven's ex-fiance, who married one of his teammates, is back. She's back under the pretenses of needing help advertising her new spa, but she is actually back for Steven. To keep her at bay, Steven introduces Valerie as his fiance. Somewhere during the pretend love affair, Valerie let her guard down and fell for the sexy ex-NBA star. The question is: can Steven love her past all her insecurities?

Heated Rivalry by Patricia Sargeant was a good read. The plots were very well developed. There were several storylines happening simultaneously, and Sargeant does a great job of weaving them all together. The primary and secondary characters were also well developed. There were some moments when the story seemed to lag. However, Heated Rivalry was an attention keeper overall, even with all the different drama happening.
Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Heated Rivalry today!

NEW REVIEW: Shakeera Frazer - Fast Lane

Fast Lane (Volume 2)Shakeera Frazer -
Fast Lane -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Friendship is an important part of life. There are times when you need someone to depend on when things go bad, and someone to offer advice on how to handle situations.  Friends can offer you the chance to share laughter, joy and sadness. But when your friend does the ultimate thing and betrays you, how would you handle the situation? Secrets, lies, and deceit can either bring a friendship together or tear it apart.

Trish Grand's world has done a total 180. Trish knew how to get what she wanted and spared no expense. Trish was living the high life, but this was a drastic change from where she came from. Trish grew up in the projects, surrounded by drugs, crime, and neglect. Trish has put that life behind her, or so she thought. Someone is trying to destroy everything she tried so hard to accomplish. When the past creeps up on Trish and forces her to face reality, will Trish be able to keep living the façade she work so hard to make?

Crystal is an up-and-coming lawyer who plans on moving up at the law firm. Crystal appears to have it together and is always willing to offer up advice when needed...but looks can be deceiving. Crystal is in a tumultuous relationship with her boyfriend, and when she becomes pregnant, her life turns into a tornado. Secrets from her past keep emerging and threaten to wreck havoc on everything she worked hard to build. Will Crystal give the upper hand to the person who wants to destroy her, or will she stand up and claim her own destiny?

Nina was the girl you wouldn’t look twice at. Nina had a good job as a teacher and was able to support herself fine. Nina is tired of being just the "around the way chick." Nina wants and feels she should be entitled to the finer things in life and is ready to take what is her by any means. Nina enters a downward spiral that could cost her the teaching job she loved, her family and her friends. Will Nina sacrifice everything she's accomplished to live this lifestyle? Will Nina's dangerous and risky antics come at a price that is too much for her to handle?

Fast Lane by Shakeera Frazer takes you into the world of four friends as they go through the trials and tribulations of life. The choices these young women make, good or bad, always comes with a consequence. When the green-eyed monster rears its ugly head, it can break any solid relationship.  Ms. Frazer's portrayal of how the fast lane lifestyle can have you wanting to make a detour and think twice about your decisions. This book showed how accountability is so important. You only have one life, and the choices you make today can follow you for years to come.  Fast Lane is a definite read for any avid reader.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Fast Lane (Volume 2) today!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

NEW REVIEW: J. D. Mason - Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It

Take Your Pleasure Where You Find ItJ. D. Mason -
Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Renetta, Phyllis, and Freddie were high school friends that were closer than sisters until a dark secret tore them apart. Fast forward thirty years later, and the women meet again at their high school reunion. But some memories should be left buried in the past. Or should they? Renetta had a rough childhood that leads her to marry the first man who came along after high school. After years in an abusive marriage, Renetta’s husband suffers a mysterious stroke that leaves him incapacitated in a nursing home. Phyllis lived for her very successful career. Unfortunately, this dissolves her marriage and causes her to have a strained relationship with her adult daughter. When Phyllis doesn’t get a promotion that she feels she deserves, it causes her to do some self-evaluation. Freddie is very bored with her routine life. She’s been married for thirty years, but she needs something more. When Freddie decides to take some writing classes taught by her favorite author, a whole new world opens up for her. Tasha was raised by the foster care system and is looking for her birth mother. One of the three women is Tasha’s real mother. But who is it?

Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It is a superb, emotional drama by J.D. Mason. Mason weaved a wonderful tale about a horrible mistake made by high school friends that came back to haunt them thirty years later. The character development is one of the things that made this novel stand out. Each of these women had seemingly went on with their lives while running away from their past. The main focus of this story is about Tasha finding her birth mother, but you also get to see how complex the lives of Renetta, Phyllis, and Freddie have become. Readers will find themselves wondering which one of these women is Tasha’s mother. Mason did a good job of revealing this secret without it becoming obvious. There are also some surprising steamy and humorous elements in this story that added an extra kick. Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It is another classic by J.D. Mason.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It today!

Friday, June 18, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Winkk - Tour Secrets

Tour SecretsWinkk -
Tour Secrets -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Sometimes when your dreams finally come true, it’s a lot to handle, especially when you realize that things are not what they appear to be. The entertainment business is a hard knock business. Deception, betrayal, and secrets are just some of things you have to encounter. Having tough skin is required to conquer your dreams, or you will be lost.

Music was a gifted young lady who had a natural ability to dance and sing. Her and her partner/best friend Raven were a dynamic duo to reckon with. These two girls were requested all over the place, and they were known for all the latest and sophisicated dance moves. Their friendship is tested when Raven's secret is revealed. Music is confused and begins a journey on her own, with little or no support from her family. Music’s talent does not go unrecognized when she is asked to go on tour with the renowned “Sly.” Music is instructed and taught quickly to keep her mouth close. Music realizes who her true friends are and just how "dog-eat-dog" the entertainment world really is. Music must make some important decisions, including if the entertainment business is really for her. Will she make the right choice?

Raven was always a beautiful girl who could dance. She had the total package...or what it seemed. Raven also modeled on the side and used her beauty to her advantage. Men lusted and gave her anything she wanted and desired. But at what price did these manipulations take place? One day, her world is turned upside down when her best friend Music finds out her secret. The tension and betrayal is evident within their friendship. Raven begins to model, and the two meet up again in totally different circumstances. Will Raven let the business get to her head, or will she realize the true friend she has in Music and come to her senses?

Tour Secrets by Winkk takes you into a world that some are oblivious to. The sex, drugs, lies, and grimy lifestyle that comes with the entertainment business is a lot to handle, and if you don’t have a strong head, you can easily become a victim and get sucked into it. Music and Raven are best friends who dreamed of conquering the entertainment world. But things change and only one will remain true to herself amongst all the chaos going around her. Tour Secrets definitely held my interest with all the twists and turns. The portrayal of the tour and celebrity lifestyle is a must read for those who are oblivious to the discrimination, favoritism, and jealousy. With some of the points made going well beyond the world of fiction, Tour Secrets is definitely a novel that will raise more than a few eyebrows.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Tour Secrets today!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Adenike B. Lucas - Vampire Whore

Vampire WhoreAdenike B. Lucas -
Vampire Whore -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Vampire Whore by Adenike B. Lucas is a story of a beautiful young woman by the name of Bianca. From an early age, she had to use what she had by any means necessary to survive. One night, she is forced to leave the only home she knew. Never looking back, she heads to Richmond, Virginia where she has high hopes and dreams. Her dreams are soon shattered. While working “The Block,” money is not coming in like she thought it would and sometimes she is forced to sleep out on the streets.

Bianca is introduced to Daddy, a notorious pimp who offers her the best of everything and a life she never dreamed of. Feeling as if she was making a deal with the devil but not having a better option, she accepts Daddy and the lifestyle. Bianca figures she is going to be the best at anything she does, so she learns all the tricks of the trade and becomes the best in the business. When a mysterious stranger by the name of Leon comes to town, Daddy is instantly suspicious of what Leon’s intentions are for his city. Little does Daddy know that Leon has come for Bianca. Leon has been searching for his eternal love and  feels he has found it in Bianca.

Vampire Whore by Adenike B. Lucas was an interesting read to say the least. It reads like an urban fiction novel but with vampires. Vampire Whore is a tale of betrayal, lust, sex and murder. The main two issues I had with this novel were the errors such as the misuse of homonyms and how the novel ended. Other than these two issues, Vampire Whore was a fairly decent read.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Vampire Whore today!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Korika L. Johnson - Joy Comes In The Mourning

Joy Comes in the MourningKorika L. Johnson -
Joy Comes in the Mourning -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Joy Comes In The Mourning by Korika L. Johnson is a story about Tonya Monroe, a 30-year-old woman who has a great government job at the Department of Health, a nice home, and a bangin’ body that most women envy and men desire. The one thing that Tonya is lacking is peace of mind. At the tender age of fourteen, Tonya’s mother was killed and her alcoholic father turned his back on her, leaving her mother’s best friend Carolyn to raise her.

Carolyn is a God-fearing woman that faithfully attends church and is in almost everything her church is involved in. Between her husband volunteering her services and her current activities with the church, she barely has time for herself. Carolyn is quick with a prayer or word of advice and sometimes comes off a little too critical. This is one of the reasons for Tonya and Carolyn’s recent rift in their relationship. When Tonya becomes ill and is told that she has an incurable disease, she is at her wits end. So she does the only thing she can...she turns to God. She puts her faith in God to help her cope and deal with this the best way that she can. Instead of mourning for the sentence that the doctors gave her, will joy come in her faith?

Joy Comes In The Mourning by Korika L. Johnson was a wonderful debut novel of love, forgiveness and faith. Although this was a little too churchy, Ms. Johnson does an excellent job in conveying her point. On a personal note, this book really touched me, mainly because recently a friend of mine was diagnosed with this same disease, and honestly I did not know much about this disease. In reading this novel, I am a little more knowledgeable about the disease and I have more empathy for her and what she has to deal with on a daily basis. For this, I commend Ms. Johnson! Another thing I enjoyed about this novel is the many great quotes I found. I am not an avid Christian Fiction reader, but I thoroughly enjoyed this novel!

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Joy Comes in the Mourning today!

NEW REVIEW: Caroline McGill - A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV

A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV: Money Makes the World Go 'RoundCaroline McGill -
A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV by Caroline McGill picks up right where the third installment left off. All the unanswered questions lingering are answered in this novel. Unfortunately, this novel leaves you with new unanswered questions that we will not have answers to until book 5. The major question like what happened to the guns? Well the answer is finally revealed! Will you be shocked to find out what happened?

Portia and Jay are still split up due to Jay’s infidelity with Ysatis. Ysatis is pregnant and Jay has yet to find out. Is Jay and Portia’s love enough to stand the test of time? Lalia and Casino are engaged, and Khalil is still angry that Lalia left him for Casino. He is determined to exact revenge on the happy couple. Fatima seems to really have gotten her act together. Even though she still aches for the loss of Wise, she is doing much better. Not only is there more drama with these memorable characters, but drama pops off with a couple of the kids.

A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV by Caroline McGill reads like a black soap opera. Each book continues that...until the next episode. Although, I have come to love each and every one of these characters, I feel as if enough is enough with this series. No major drama really popped off in the book until the very end, making for a slow read. Without giving a spoiler: I had an issue with a particular character and how the storyline played out. I felt it was too predictable and did not make much sense. I really enjoy Ms. McGill’s novels, with my favorite being The Grudge. I am also looking forward to her new novel Guns & Roses dropping in the near future.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of A Dollar Outta Fifteen Cent IV: Money Makes the World Go 'Round today!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Tawnia L. Ramirez - Something More Than This

Something More than ThisTawnia L. Ramirez -
Something More Than This -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

"Sharing the word one story at a time" is how visitors are welcomed to the author's website. Those words couldn’t be truer. In her debut novel, Tawnia Ramirez blends personal growth with spiritual growth to bring about a fantastic story of redemption and reconciliation. Splashes of scripture are easily placed throughout the story, which feel like they personally belong to each character.

Janaye Perkins is a single mother who has always used her emotions in a self destructive way to overcome the trials and tribulations of life. Baby daddy drama, a speeding ticket and being on notice at her job is the beginning of Janaye’s downward spiral. It’s not like the Lord didn’t give her subtle messages; He did, but she ignored them. Until you are down on your knees, the wall will not move and Janaye found this out the hard way.

Believing there has to be something more than this to life, her spiritual journey begins with a track left in her car, a co-worker teaching her the sinner’s prayer, as well as showing her a different way of looking at the things she already knows, and having a praying mother. As you read Janaye’s story you begin to see Janaye’s realistic transformation.

The author does a great job with the flow of her reconciliation and transformation. The presence of the Lord is just enough for the Christian and not too much for others. When Ms. Ramirez brings the Lord into the story using certain characters, I was overjoyed. I cried and rejoiced when Janaye and her son Myles joined the church on the same day; neither one knowing that the other joined. Something More Than This is an excellent feel good story which teaches forgiveness and the redemptive powers of God. Lastly, this is one of the first books I’ve read which celebrates celibacy in Christians in a way that makes it truly a celebration. Something More Than This was an absolutely wonderful read.

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Something More than This today!

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...