Thursday, June 17, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Adenike B. Lucas - Vampire Whore

Vampire WhoreAdenike B. Lucas -
Vampire Whore -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Vampire Whore by Adenike B. Lucas is a story of a beautiful young woman by the name of Bianca. From an early age, she had to use what she had by any means necessary to survive. One night, she is forced to leave the only home she knew. Never looking back, she heads to Richmond, Virginia where she has high hopes and dreams. Her dreams are soon shattered. While working “The Block,” money is not coming in like she thought it would and sometimes she is forced to sleep out on the streets.

Bianca is introduced to Daddy, a notorious pimp who offers her the best of everything and a life she never dreamed of. Feeling as if she was making a deal with the devil but not having a better option, she accepts Daddy and the lifestyle. Bianca figures she is going to be the best at anything she does, so she learns all the tricks of the trade and becomes the best in the business. When a mysterious stranger by the name of Leon comes to town, Daddy is instantly suspicious of what Leon’s intentions are for his city. Little does Daddy know that Leon has come for Bianca. Leon has been searching for his eternal love and  feels he has found it in Bianca.

Vampire Whore by Adenike B. Lucas was an interesting read to say the least. It reads like an urban fiction novel but with vampires. Vampire Whore is a tale of betrayal, lust, sex and murder. The main two issues I had with this novel were the errors such as the misuse of homonyms and how the novel ended. Other than these two issues, Vampire Whore was a fairly decent read.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Vampire Whore today!

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