Wednesday, June 30, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Meta Smith - Sex Appeal

Sex AppealMeta Smith -
Sex Appeal -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Ebony Knight was a dominatrix to some very wealthy clients in Miami until everything spiraled out of control. Her supposed best friend and attorney Carmelita Sanchez framed her for murder and took off with millions of Ebony’s money. Carmelita also had Ebony committed to a psychiatric hospital. With the help of another mental patient, Ebony is now back out on the street ready for revenge. But getting her life back will be much harder that she expects when other people are after her as well. Time is running out as Ebony is trying to get her money back and trying to clear her good name.

Sex Appeal is a good sequel to Whip Appeal by Meta Smith. Smith continues the saga of Ebony Knight as she tries to track down Carmelita to get her money back. This story had a lot of twists that keeps this book moving at a good pace. There were also a host of entertaining secondary characters that provided some different elements to this story. You really see the growth of Ebony in this book as she tries to clear her name. Meta Smith once again brought us an entertaining page-turner with Sex Appeal.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Sex Appeal today!

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