Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Contest for A Free Book by Melodrama Publishing (Winners Announced!)

Wifey 4 Life (Part 5)Contest for Melodrama Publishing - Details Inside...

Visit http://www.URBANREVIEWSONLINE.COM to enter this contest and others!.

1 comment:

UR said...

Here are the winners for the Melodrama Publishing contest:

Sonia T of GA

Kiki Swinson because her Notorious series keeps me hooked until the last page, I want to know what Yoshi will do next.

Shay C of SC

KiKi Swinson cause she always tells a good story!

Tangela W of IL

KiKi Swinson - her books seems so real, it feels like I'm in the midst of all the chaos.

Tonya F of OH

Crystal Lacey Winslow is my favorite author. I've read a few of her books and she's a very good writer.

Congrats to all the winners!

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