Thursday, July 08, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Mari Walker - Not Quite What It Seems

Not Quite What It SeemsMari Walker -
Not Quite What It Seems -
Available Now -
4 out of 5 books -

Jadyn has a promising career as a dancer. She also has a loving relationship with her boyfriend Taji. But Jadyn still has some emotional baggage she's carrying due to the pain caused by her mom and stepfather. She becomes even more confused when she learns that Taji may be the one that put her chances of a big career opportunity in jeopardy. To get a break from her current problems, Jadyn decides to go to look for her biological father. But Jadyn finds a lot more than she bargained for when she’s suddenly in the middle of a dangerous plot that could turn deadly.

Mari Walker does a good job of continuing the storyline from Never As Good As the First Time with Jadyn’s story in Not Quite What It Seems. In this novel, Walker introduces us to Jadyn as a grown woman who has a clear path to a wonderful dance career. You see that although she knows what she wants professionally, Jadyn still has some things that she needs to resolve in her personal life. Walker does a wonderful job of illustrating Jadyn’s unresolved childhood issues and the counseling she receives. There’s a lot of surprising drama involving Jadyn that will definitely keep you turning the pages. Although this book is a sequel, it’s truly a stand alone book. Not Quite What It Seems is another entertaining read by Mari Walker.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Not Quite What It Seems today! 

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