Monday, August 30, 2010

Contest for HOT BOX OF GOODIES (Ends 9/6/2010)

The Hot Box: A NovelContest for HOT BOX OF GOODIES by Zane - Details Inside...

Visit http://www.URBANREVIEWSONLINE.COM to enter this contest and others!.


Vanessa A. Johnson said...


Mocha said...

If I dont win - please direct me to where i can purchase the Hot Box of Goodies and book combination lol ... i'm jus sayin ....


UR said...

Here are the winners for the Hot Box contest.

The four runner-ups, who will be getting a signed copy of Zane's book HOT BOX, are:

Stephanie H. of Henrico, VA
Nia S. of Sewickley, PA
Celeste W. of Orlando FL
Anita M. of Reading, PA

And the grand prize winner, who will be receiving the HOT BOX OF GOODIES, is:

Andrea C. of NY, NY

Congratulations to all the winners!
We will notify the publisher today and the books will be mailed out by them. Please allow a few weeks for the books to arrive!

Thanks everybody!

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