Sunday, September 19, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Khalil Coleman - Time & Place: 'In The Life of B and K'

Khalil Coleman -
Time & Place 'In The Life of B and K' -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

B and K are two young men in high school who are growing up in the hood. They are torn between doing the right thing despite their circumstances or to participating in destructive behavior with their boys in the hood. B and K are introduced to a whole new world when they visit their friends on the other side of town. They wonder if they could ever experience some kind of normalcy in their own neighborhood. Armed with a renewed sense of purpose, B is ready to help clean-up his own neighborhood, but is K ready to do the same? Both young men are faced with choices that could alter their lives forever. 

Time & Place 'In the Life of B and K' is a thought-proving short story by Khalil Coleman. Coleman grabs your attention from the very first scene in this story. The characters B and K are characters that a lot of young men and women can identify with. You can feel the hopelessness and frustration of B and K as they wish for something better in their own lives. The overall message in this story is that you always have a choice in what path you want to take in life. Time & Place ‘In the Life of B and K’ carries a strong message that should resonate with today’s youth.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Time and Place: 'In The Life of B and K' directly from the author here.

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