Sunday, September 05, 2010

ON THE LINE WITH RADIAH HUBBERT - September 2010 - Victor McGlothin

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert - Victor McGlothin - Author of 'The Secrets of Newberry' -
Victor McGlothin talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- His latest book 'The Secrets of Newberry'
- His literary journey
- His reasons for getting out the business
- His plans for the future
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'The Secrets of Newberry'
Victor McGlothin

or listen to the interview right now in the player below!

Order your copy of The Secrets of Newberry today!

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

1 comment:

5ive Star Publications said...

Wow. Victor gave a great interview. He definetly dropped plenty of jewels that authors need to hear.

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