Tuesday, October 12, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Vanessa Davis Griggs - The Truth Is The Light

The Truth Is The Light (Blessed Trinity)Vanessa Davis Griggs -
The Truth Is The Light -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

When Clarence Walker decided to give his life to Christ, he knew that it would lead to some controversy. Being the son of a well known pasto, Clarence knew that giving his life to Christ at a church other than his father's would lead to some hard feelings between him and his dad. It was no secret that Rev. Walker and Pastor George Landris were walking the same path, but in different directions. When Rev. Walker found out that his son was getting baptized at Pastor's Landris church, it brought forth family secrets that will not only shake up the Walker family, but the congregations at both churches.

There were secrets that were supposed to be buried with three wooden boxes that Randsom Perdue had made when he was younger. This brings up a lot of questions about family members that no one knew about. The most surprising of them all was about Clarence's own father. Soon everyone finds out that Rev. Walker wasn't as holy as everyone thought. And when one of his rival preachers gets a hold of this information, it's only a matter of time before what was in the dark would come to the light.

I enjoyed reading The Truth is the Light. Author Vanessa Davis Griggs did a good job of entangling the triumphs, betrayals, and the redemptions of the church. The author also showed a worldly side to Rev. Marshall Walker and how even pastors have fallen short of the grace of God. When quoting scripture in a book, it can sometime sway you away from the real message. But when Ms. Griggs incorporated scriptures at the beginning of each chapter, you understood where that chapter was going and it piqued your interest on finding out how each scripture worked with each chapter. The only disappointment I had with this book is that it did start off a little slow. Soon you will find yourself realizing that the truth is the light.
Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of The Truth Is The Light (Blessed Trinity) today!

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