Tuesday, November 23, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Greg and Erica Jones - A Woman Scorned

A Woman ScornedGreg and Erica Jones -
A Woman Scorned -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Sharon Stone once said: Women might be able to fake orgasms. But men can fake a whole relationship. Meet Clark Benson, the biggest faker this side of Detroit. Often times, the collateral damage done because of cheating is a feeling of being victimized and torn. But what happens when the stakes are higher and the emotions are leveled up?

A Woman Scorned is not just another story about an athlete cheating on his wife. The authors took the outcome of cheating to another level, filled with real emotions and several unexpected twists. I enjoy it when an author can surprise me and these authors did exactly that.

Clark and Trinity Benson were college lovebirds, and no one was surprised when they eventually got married. They lived a comfortable life that a six-figure salary could afford them. After an episode with epilepsy, no doctor would clear Clark to play football again. His $27 million dream turned into $9 million dollars. His job title changes from 3rd pick Quarterback to Head Athletic Trainer. Neither of these obstacles stopped the groupies and horny freshman woman from giving him an abundance of attention; all the while knowing he was married to Trinity. Clark had no allegiance to his marriage, and his desires led to deception, which led to design and then disobedience to his marriage.  All of this happened over and over again. On the other hand, Trinity lived by high morals and values. She respected herself and her marriage, and she was not willing to move out of character for anyone. But when matters of the heart evade a woman’s psyche, there is no telling how that woman will react.

Greg and Erica Jones did an excellent job of looking at the end results of cheating and the emotions a woman can go through during the horrible ride. They showed the back and forth feeling of feeling victimized, and then loving her husband but harboring hatred in the same heart. Some women can handle it by working out a plan, while others will seek revenge in the worse possible way.

A Woman Scorned was absolutely a good read; however, there were times where I felt as if I was slugging through the story. There was just too many words. But A Woman Scorned is a story worthy of buying and reading if you like real life drama with real characters with a twist that will make you scream "O-M-G."

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of A Woman Scorned today! 

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