Monday, November 29, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Marc L. Abbott - A Gamble of Faith

A Gamble of FaithMarc L. Abbott -
A Gamble of Faith -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

The first rule in gambling is to remember, "Never gamble with anything you’re not prepared to part with." Terrence, Alyssa and Marquis are childhood friends who are about to be tested by this saying. Every Friday, these friends would meet up at Marquis’ house and play poker. They used to be a foursome, but when cancer took away their friend Eddie, the card games stopped and everyone seemed to drift their own separate ways. Everyone took the death of Eddie very hard.

After the death of Eddie, things begin to spiral out of control in Terrence’s life. He loses his apartment and then his job. If it were not for Lucy, the beautiful woman he soon hooks up with, he would be homeless. With Lucy’s financial guidance and help, he slowly begins to get his confidence and hope back. Are things just a little too good to be true?

The traditional Friday night poker game is about to be started back up. It is time for the three of them to get together and enjoy each other’s company and kick back, laugh and relax. Things don’t go as planned though. Terrence invites Lucy along, and two unexpected guests show up to get in on the game. The stakes will be higher than anyone could ever imagine. Who are the men that show up unexpectedly? What is Lucy hiding?

A Gamble of Faith by Marc L. Abbott was an interesting story to say the least. The story centers around this card game. After about 200 pages, it then takes a twist with a Touched by an Angel edge. Aside from some editing issues, the constant whispering that the characters did among each other (never saying exactly what was said) was slightly annoying. Much of the story was a bit repetitive. Although, I must say that Mr. Abbott does a good job in making his point on faith. I just kind of feel like he could of executed it in a less obvious way or another way entirely. All-in all, A Gamble of Faith was a decent read.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of A Gamble of Faith today!

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