Monday, November 29, 2010

NEW REVIEW: N'Tyse - Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas

Stud Princess, Notorious VendettasN'Tyse -
Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Chyna is back with revenge on her mind. She's still looking for the lawyer that double-crossed her uncle. Chyna has also blackmailed Sand and Rene into working for her, and she'll stop at nothing to get what she wants. Meanwhile, Rene is feeling extremely gulit about how things ended with her and Sand. She just wants a chance to apologize to Sand, but will she be forgiven? Sand finally has her club Sandrene's open. But she's been nowhere near her own business due to a mess that she might not get out of.

Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas is the sequel to My Secrets Your Lies. N'Tyse brings back some characters from the first book with a little more drama than ever before. You get to see what the future holds for Sand and Rene.Chyna also proves to be even more ruthless in this book. Although this is a sequel, this book doesn't seem to start right where the first book left off. N'Tyse does give the reader a few glimpses in regards to what happened in the first book. But if you read My Secrets Your Lies, this current book doesn't seem like a sequel but a whole different story which makes this a little confusing. Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas is still a decent book by N'Tyse.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Stud Princess, Notorious Vendettas today!

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