Thursday, November 18, 2010

NEW REVIEW: Wahida Clark - The Golden Hustla

The Golden HustlaWahida Clark -
The Golden Hustla -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

Nina Coles plants new roots in Atlanta, GA after witnessing the deaths of her best friend and brother. Although she leaves with her boyfriend's stash and cash, she also leaves behind her children, not to mention a baby daddy in the penitentiary with a ransom over her head. Nina is discovering that the 'legit lifestyle' is just as much a struggle as the lifestyle she’s run away from. Missing her children, she has a chance encounter with her past.  And with an unsettled debt would seem to be bad news, it actually opens up an opportunity of a lifetime for her. Akil "Cream" pimps Nina out to We Make Millionaires (WMM) because of their unsettled debt. WMM is a pipe dream for people with money to use and more money to lose. Now Nina has to figure out which is the worst: running with 'legit' criminals, running for hardened criminals, or running from the police. She longs for a regular life and the chance to have all of her children back in her life.

The Golden Hustla by Wahida Clark is your average story with a mixture of suburbia and a tad bit of hood infiltrated in the midst. I couldn’t find any real excitement, intrigue or gusto in the storyline until a familiar police officer surfaced and garnered my undivided attention with subtle hints of his past. True interest entered my realm with the mention of the name of one of Wahida’s thugettes from past affiliation and was the turning point for me. In general, The Golden Hustla was my first Wahida disappointment. The book just didn’t work for me, and made me feel much like the I'd been hustled for real. Hustle Man, where you at, dude?

Reviewed by Tazzyt2bossye for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of The Golden Hustla today!

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