Monday, December 13, 2010

NEW CONTEST: 12 Days of Christmas: Day 1 - Winkk (Winner Announced)

Tour SecretsTour Secrets 2Contest for 12 Days of Christmas - Day 1: Winkk - Details Inside...

Visit http://www.URBANREVIEWSONLINE.COM to enter this contest and others!.


Vanessa A. Johnson said...

Both sound intriguing.

UR said...

CONGRATS GOES OUT TO KENYATTA P. OF INDIANA. She is the winner of the Day 1 giveaway for Tour Secrets and Tour Secrets by Winkk for the 12 Days of Christmas promotion. See what today's giveaway is and how you can enter at

New Review : Firstborn Girls: A Memoir : Bernice L. McFadden

  5 out of 5 books Penning a memoir is no easy task. You are giving everyone an insider’s peek into your world. This is exactly what Bernice...