Monday, January 24, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Cynthia Diane Thornton - Larger Than Lyfe

Larger Than LyfeCynthia Diane Thornton -
Larger Than Lyfe -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Keshari Mitchell is the founder and sole owner of Larger Than Lyfe Entertainment. At the age of thirty, Larger Than Lyfe Entertainment was a $300 billion dollar company. Keshari is what one would call a workaholic and perfectionist. By day, Keshari runs the legitimate side of the game. But at night, she is second in command of The Consortium, an organization that supplies most of the West Coast with premium cocaine.

Richard Tresvant is the head of The Consortium. Unfortunately, he is an inmate at the Los Angeles County Jail awaiting trial for the murder of a prominent attorney. When Keshari makes it known to Richard that she wants out of the organization, Richard in turns makes it very clear that the only way in a body bag.

It begins to look like Keshari does not take heed to Richard's threat when the tabloids are clearly showing that Keshari is caught up in a whirlwind romance, not to mention all the happenings with Larger Than Lyfe Entertainment.

Larger Than Lyfe by Cynthia Thorton is a tale of a woman living a double life. One in the corporate world, and the other in the darker side. Ms. Thorton draws you into the story from the very start and continually keeps you engrossed in the story unfolding within the pages. I can tell that the author really put some serious research into this book with all the details from within the entertainment industry. The story will having you trying to figure out who the culprit is all the way to the end. This was an excellent debut novel and I eagerly anticipate reading the sequel... Rise of the Phoenix: Larger Than Lyfe II. Kudos to Simon & Schuster for signing on such a sensational author. I highly recommend Larger Than Lyfe!

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Larger Than Lyfe today!

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