Wednesday, January 26, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Dijorn Moss - The Retreat

The RetreatDijorn Moss -
The Retreat -
Available Now! -
4.5 out of 5 books -

Chauncey, Will, Quincy, and Jamal attend Greater Anointing Christian Center (GACC). GACC has a congregation of 2,000 plus, and the majority are women. Pastor Dawkins leads this flock and wants to make sure that all members of GACC are involved with the church in one way or the other. So he creates a retreat for just the men in the church. While at the "Retreat," each man is dealing with their own personal dramas. Each of them are also wondering if they have bitten off more then they could chew. Will they be able to finish the retreat and find the answers they have been searching for, or will they leave and never return to the church?

Will, who is a thief, has come to the retreat searching for answers about God and what he should do about his future. Will he return to the streets and possibly get caught and go to jail, or find redemption and become a true child of God? Chauncey believes that he is a God-fearing man. He can quote the bible backwards and forward and tries his hardest to impress Pastor Dawkins. He is willing to help anyone because that's "the Christian yhing" to do. He's willing to help anyone, except the one person that needs him the most...his brother.

Quincy is a successful businessman who has been married for years. He comes to church, but not too often. Quincy decides to go to the retreat not to find answers from God, but to find the man who he believes is having an affair with his wife. Will he be able to accept the truth, or will he just divorce his wife and move on? Jamal is a family man, goes to work and takes care of his family. His problem is that he's having an extremely difficult time coming to terms with the death of a close friend. Will Jamal find the answers he seeks, or will he keep everything bottled up and never find solace in moving forward?

When starting to read The Retreat, I was actually surprised it was a good read. I would have never thought a book about a men's retreat would have me intrigued. I enjoyed this book for different reasons. One was the way each of these men have their own unique relationship with God and how they dealt with their different problems. Another reason is, the fact that the author, Dijorn Moss, didn't let this book drag on, and each character was interesting in their own way. Some of them you liked more than you liked others, but each character had a relatable situation. There was nothing over the top or too far fetched that you could not believe. The Retreat is very inspiring, and will have you questioning your own relationship with God.
Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of The Retreat today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank yhou very much Jackie for the excellent review. I am glad you enjoyed the Retreat! God Bless!

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