Thursday, February 17, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Vanessa Davis Griggs - Ray of Hope

Ray of HopeVanessa Davis Griggs -
Ray of Hope -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

When Crystal and Sahara go to stay with their 75-year-old grandmother, Ma Ray, for the summer, they think that they're about to kick back and let loose. Unfortunately for them, Ma Ray doesn't roll like that. Every time they think that they are one step ahead of their grandmother, she's always two steps ahead of them. They will finally understand that with age comes wisdom. And all Ma Ray is trying to do is show them that they have to use their common sense to get ahead in life. Will the girls take their grandmother's advice, or will they just continue to go down their own path?

Ray of Hope is about a grandmother trying to give advice to her out of control granddaughters. Each time the girls were in a predicament, Ma Ray always had a solution. I loved the fact that this book was written on common sense because nowadays, teenagers think that they have everything figured out and are grown enough to make their own choices. In this book, you will read how Ma Ray tries to advise Crystal and Sahara to have a positive outlook on things and stop going on impulse. I really enjoyed reading this book because of Ma Ray. She was a no nonsense grandmother that was not a push over and didn't let her grandchildren pull anything on her. Ray of Hope is a great read and it shows how kids today still need a little old school wisdom.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Ray of Hope today!

NEW REVIEW: T. R. Nairn - Loyalty And The Bed You Lie In

T. R. Nairn -
Loyalty And The Bed You Lie In -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Three friends, who have been through thick and thin, encounter different hurdles and learn the true definition of friendship in this novel. Diamond, Meko and Rae are not only best friends, but they are partners in crime. Loyalty and the Bed You “Lie” In takes you on a journey of drugs, relationship, murder, and jealousy. Will friendships be tested, or will the bond that these three girls have overcome all the obstacles they encountered.

Diamond was a smart, attractive young lady. Diamond loves to go out and enjoy herself, but she was also very business savvy when it comes to her money. Diamond and her three friends ran a small empire and come across all walks in life who have a craving for the drug and pills they had to offer. One night, Diamond's life is forever changed when she meets T.O. and is immediately swept her off her feet. They become a modern Bonnie and Clyde team. But the green-eyed monster is always lurking, leaving two options: a relationship stronger than ever, or seeing a person for who they really are,

T. R Nairn’s novel tackles many issues and I enjoyed reading Loyalty and Bed you “Lie” In. The journey T.R. Nairn takes you on is exciting, suspenseful, and will have you reconsider people who you call your friends, including their motives and intentions. Keep up the good work, and I can’t wait for the next novel.

Reviewed by Kristin for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Loyalty and the Bed You Lie In today!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

NEW REVIEW: J Leon Pridgen II - Hidden Secrets, Hidden Lives

Hidden Secrets, Hidden LivesJ. Leon Pridgen II -
Hidden Secrets, Hidden Lives -
Available February 22, 2011 -
5 out of 5 books -

Rarely do you find a book that can span the spectrum from Urban Fiction to Romance. Mr. Pridgen carried his readers through a range of emotions as we watch "Bones" seek out his nemesis and plot an attack of revenge, have love rekindled, and experience the joy of doing what’s right for the left behind.

Kwame “Bones” Brown owned the streets of Charlotte, North Carolina. He and Perry Moore had a lucrative street pharmaceutical enterprise back in the day. But it came to a pause when Kwame was sent to a detention center for a year. While Bones did his time, Perry decided to leave Charlotte and all his secrets behind. What’s unfortunate for Perry is that Bones was waiting on his return. Perry was the brains of their lucrative operation, and Bones was the face of the streets.

After months of waiting on his partner, Bones did what any street thug would do...he began anew and this time, his passion was not only fueled by his love of money but also by revenge and a deep hurt that the reader finds out about almost accidently.

J. Leon did an outstanding job of bridging the worlds of professionalism, street life and home life into one novel. I enjoyed meeting every character in this book, good, bad or just plain ole mean. Naturally, a story should take away the readers’ time and space limitations; Hidden Secrets, Hidden Lives absolutely afforded me the opportunity to travel inexpensively to Charlotte North Carolina and imagine what it feels like to allow revenge to ignite my emotions....which was a bit scary for this reader.

I’m totally excited about his next novel “The Color of Justice,” which will also be released under Strebor Books.

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Hidden Secrets, Hidden Lives today!

Friday, February 11, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Shamara Ray - Recipe For Love

Recipe for Love (Zane Presents)Shamara Ray -
Recipe For Love -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

What beomes of the broken-hearted? Jade has finally had enough of her no good, lying, cheating boyfriend. When he commits the ultimate act of disrespect, she kicks him to the curb. The problem is..he cannot get it through his head that it is really over.

Jade is a beautiful, educated woman who co-owns a restaurant called Rituals with her best friend, Bria, who also happens to be her ex-boyfriend's sister. Bria is quick to come to the defense of her brother, no matter what he does. So when Jade begins dating Cain, Bria is far from supportive. Then again, that could also be because Cain owns a restaurant that Rituals is in competition with.

Recipe For Love by Shamara Ray is a tale of love, lies and betrayal. Throughout the story, there is mention of different culinary dishes, which was a nice added touch considering the title of the book. The author even added quite a few interesting recipes at the end of the novel, which I may try out. The story itself was a bit slow.  The story picked up about 200 pages in, but then it just slowed down again. I did enjoy the storyline with Jade's other friend Milan, which was a short part within the story. I would have liked for the author to expand and focus more on this part of the story. All-in-all, Recipe For Love was an okay read.

Reviewed by Leona of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Recipe for Love (Zane Presents) today!

Monday, February 07, 2011

Best Reviewed Books of 2010

Best Reviewed Books of 2010

Below is a listing of books reviewed on the website that we noted as being the best of the best!

*Search our site using the Search Field on the right side to find the corresponding review on our site.

5 out of 5 'Top Shelf Rating' = 'Classic'

(This is a comprehensive list of those no particular order.)


Risque - Smooth Operator

Wanda Campbell - Right Package, Wrong Baggage 
Amaleka McCall - Price of Fame

Monique D. Mensah - Inside Rain

Shelley Halima - Blinding Mirror

Chilufiya Safaa - Stay The Night

Theo Semper - Church Affairs

Pat Tucker - Daddy By Default

Shana Burton - Flaws And All

Judge Glenda Hatchett - Dare To Take Charge

Suzan Johnson-Cook - Becoming a Woman of Destiny

Venesha - Mirror, Mirror

K'wan - Welfare Wifeys

Michelle Stimpson - Last Temptation

Denise Coleman - Drama With A Capital D

Various Authors - Can't Help the Way That I Feel (anthology)

Aliya S. King - Platinum

Victor McGlothin - The Secrets of Newberry

Michelle Janine Robinson - Color Me Grey

James W. Lewis - Sellout

Pat G'Orge-Walker - Don't Blame The Devil

Pamela & Joel Tuck - Color Struck

Patricia Haley - Destined

Lutishia Lovely - Heaven Forbid

Tiffany L. Warren, Sherri L. Lewis, Rhonda McKnight - A Woman's Revenge (anthology)

Victoria Christopher Murray - Sins of the Mother

Elissa Gabrielle - A Whisper to a Scream

Anthony Fields - The Ultimate Sacrifice

Delilah Dawson - Wanting It

Nana Ekua Brew-Hammond - Powder Necklace

R. L. Byrd - Looking For Sweet Love

Carol M. Mackey - Sistergirl Devotions

Maureen Smith - Recipe for Temptation

Beverly Taylor - Desires of the Heart

Pat Simmons - Still Guilty

Earl Sewell - Cougars

Allison Hobbs - Stealing Candy

Bernice L. McFadden - Glorious

Various Authors - The Shattered Glass Effect (anthology)

Jacquelin Thomas - Samson

Bettye Griffin - Trouble Down The Road

Caleb Alexander - Belly of the Beast

Shakeera Frazer - Fast Lane

J. D. Mason - Take Your Pleasure Where You Find It

Korika L. Johnson - Joy Comes In The Mourning

Sherri Lewis - Selling My Soul

Nikki Turner - Relapse

Paula T. Renfroe - The Cheating Curve

Desiree Day - Spiritual Seduction

Lisa Y. Watson - Watch Your Back

Francis Ray - If You Were My Man

Kimberla Lawson Roby - Be Careful What You Pray For

Lutishia Lovely - Reverend Feelgood

Keleigh Crigler Hadley - Preacher's Kids: Secrets And Salvation

Tiffany L. Warren - In the Midst of it All

Erick S. Gray, De'nesha Diamond, Nichelle Walker - Heartbreaker (anthology)

Vanessa Davis Griggs - Goodness And Mercy


(There are our honorable mentions since they are very close to a top shelf rating!)

Allison Hobbs - Lipstick Hustla
Dijorn Moss - The Retreat 

Farrah Rochon - Huddle With Me Tonight

Nisa Santiago - Return of the Cartier Cartel

Winkk - Tour Secrets 2

Zane - The Hot Box

Ni'cola - The Appetizer

Rhonda McKnight - An Inconvenient Friend

Nicolette - The Paper Chase

Queenetta Ross-Davis - The Illusion of Everything Sacred

Kendra Dunn - The Preacher's Daughter

Jennifer Coissiere - Crossing Over

Michele Cameron - Unclear and Present Danger

La Jill Hunt - Say It Ain't So

Leave your thoughts on your favorite reads from 2010!!
Congrats to all the phenomenal authors that excelled to the highest level this year!

NEW REVIEW: Allison Hobbs - Lipstick Hustla

Lipstick HustlaAllison Hobbs -
Lipstick Hustla -
Available Now! -
4.5 out of 5 books -

Misty is back with more drama and issues than ever before. Misty is in the process of rebuilding the business that she lost. She now has a stable of young, sexy men who have no problem with satisfying her clients. Misty’s men are bringing in more cash than she could ever imagine. But she still wants the one thing that she can no longer have…Brick. Brick has left Misty behind to marry her mother Thomasina. Brick (a.k.a. Baron) is now enjoying the married life and is excited about the pending birth of his child. But Misty is still holding out hope that Baron wants to come back to her. But Misty’s scandalous ways may be her ultimate undoing when she crosses the wrong person.

Allison Hobbs brought us some more of her signature drama and spice with Lipstick Hustla. If that’s even possible to imagine, Misty is even more scandalous in this book than in the previous ones. Readers will find that Misty is still all about Misty and that her actions definitely demonstrate this. Misty can’t stop her horrible behavior and crushes everybody that gets in her way. It’s refreshing to see Baron get on with his life and become a good, loving husband and father. Hobbs also did an excellent job with giving us an ending to this novel that will leave you speechless. Lipstick Hustla is another exciting page-turner by Allison Hobbs.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Lipstick Hustla today!

NEW REVIEW: Eric Jerome Dickey - Tempted By Trouble

Tempted by TroubleEric Jerome Dickey -
Tempted by Trouble -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Dmytryk Knight is a well educated man with a white collar job at a Detroit automobile company. Dmytryk is doing pretty well until a recession hits, and he’s laid off from his job. After being on unemployment for two years and looking for work, he feels like he’s at the end of his rope. Dmtryk’s wife Cora convinces him to take a job offer from a dubious criminal. Soon Dmytryk is a working with a gang of bank robbers and things spiral out of control when things go terribly wrong. Will Dmytryk be able to walk away from his new lifestyle before it’s too late?

Tempted by Trouble is another fascinating novel by Eric Jerome Dickey. Dickey created another fresh, new character in Dmytryk. Dmytryk is a character that has an air of mysteriousness throughout the book. This story wouldn’t be complete without a lot of action packed scenes that Dickey is known for. Readers will need to pay close attention to what is happening towards the end of this book so that you don’t miss anything. Tempted by Trouble is another winner for Eric Jerome Dickey.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Tempted by Trouble today!

NEW REVIEW: D K Gaston - Darkest Hours: A Joseph Hooks Novel

Darkest Hours: A Joseph Hooks NovelD K Gaston -
Darkest Hours: A Joseph Hooks Novel -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Private detective Joe Hooks is back to take on what he thinks is an easy case. All he has to do is pick up a package from an eccentric businessman named Montgomery Webb. But Joe finds himself in the middle of a strange situation when he finds the billionaire tied to a chair clinging on to his last breath. What’s even more disturbing is what Montgomery’s last words to Joe are. Joe enlists the help of his ex-partner and best friend Kool-Aid to find out why this package is so important. With contract killers, a mysterious attorney, and a government agency hot on their trail, Joe and Kool-Aid are soon thrusted into a potentially deadly situation. Will Joe find out the true meaning of a dead man’s words and why this package is so important?

Darkest Hours is an intriguing mystery by D K Gaston. Gaston once again brought a unique storyline with this book. This story starts with some non-stop movie-like action that will definitely keep readers' attention. As Joe and Kool-Aid get deeper and deeper into this investigation, you’ll feel the frustration that they have when it seems like there are no clear answers to be found. Gaston also flexes his creative muscles by providing a conclusion with a scientific twist. Darkest Hours proves that once again D K Gaston can bring us entertaining and complex mysteries.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Darkest Hours: A Joseph Hooks Novel today!

NEW REVIEW: Traci Bee - Two Tears In A Bucket

Two Tears in a BucketTraci Bee -
Two Tears In A Bucket -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

After being abused by her stepfather and betrayed by her own mother, 18-year-old Simone Woodard has had enough. She moves out on her own to carve out a new life for herself. Simone soon catches the eye of a mysterious young man named Kevin. Kevin quickly finds out that Simone seems to be the one woman that he’ll leave the streets for. But leaving the streets is hard for Kevin to do, and he ends up with a lengthy prison sentence. Simone is left with raising their baby alone, but her father steps in to give her the support that she needs. But Simone is faced with terrible circumstances when someone is threatening to take her baby away from her. Fast forward years later and Simone is now a married woman who is still in close contact with Kevin. Upon his pending release, Kevin has feelings for Simone and he thinks that the feelings are mutual. Will Kevin be able to get Simone back, or will she continue with being in a mediocre marriage?

Two Tears in a Bucket is a great debut novel by Traci Bee. Bee brought a wonderful story about a young woman that is trying to make it on her own by any means necessary. Simone is a character that readers will definitely root for. You see the growth of Simone throughout this story, especially when she deals with Kevin and raising her baby. This book has a lot of emotional twists that really keeps this story moving. There’s also a shocking cliffhanger that will have you begging for the sequel. Two Tears in a Bucket is full of fast-paced drama that will leave you wanting to read the next book by Traci Bee.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Two Tears in a Bucket today!

NEW REVIEW: M.Q.W. - Entrepreneur II

(5ive Star Publications Presents) Entrepreneur II-The TransitionM.Q.W. -
Entrepreneur II: The Transition -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

Swift and Block are back together again. Swift has taken over the streets and is in the process of turning his street money into legal money. Swift has a new business venture that is making his dream of getting out of the game a reality. Block has just been released from prison and is trying to adjust to life on the outside with his friend and partner-in-crime, Swift. But new problems arise when outside forces are trying to take these two friends down. Will they be able to weather the storm together?

Entrepreneur II: The Transistion is a good sequel to Entrepreneur by M.Q.W. M.Q.W. does a good job of showing the growth in Swift and Block’s characters. You see just how hard it is for Swift and Block to get out of the game in order to live on the right side of the law. M.Q.W. brought a good twist to the average street tale by showing Swift and Block taking actual steps towards living a regular life. Entrepreneur II is a decent novel by M.Q.W.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of (5ive Star Publications Presents) Entrepreneur II-The Transition today!

NEW REVIEW: Miasha - Til Death

'Til Death: A Novel (Touchstone)Miasha -
'Til Death -
Available Now! -
3 out of 5 books -

Celess and Si-Si are back again with even more drama than before. Now on the run, this duo decides to settle in Italy with the help of one of Si-Si’s former clients. Soon they start a very lucrative international escort business to serve some very wealthy clients. But as always, things are too good to be true when Celess and Si-Si's business and lives are threatened by a familiar past enemy. Si-Si and Celess may self-destruct when they bump heads over the destructive lifestyle they are leading.

Miasha brings back an entertaining duo of characters with ‘Til Death. Miasha illustrates the drama that follows Celess and Si-Si, this time on an international level. Readers of Miasha’s prior books will find that there’s yet another character from another book thrown into this story. Although this is the third and final installment of this series, this book is not as good as the previous books. This novel seemed to be lacking the pizzazz of the other books. The ending was too perplexing and felt rushed. ‘Til Death is still a decent read for those who followed this series.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of 'Til Death: A Novel (Touchstone) today!

NEW REVIEW: Risque - Smooth Operator

Smooth Operator: A NovelRisqué -
Smooth Operator -
Available Now! -
5 out of 5 books -

Arri is a single mom and a hard working secretary by day. But at night, she operates Smooth Operator, a sexy website that fulfills the desires of her clients. The only thing missing in Arri’s life is someone to call her own. Her past is too painful to open her heart to another man until her sexy new boss enters the picture. Lyfe is the new boss in Arri’s office and all eyes are on him. As soon as Lyfe meets Arri, sparks fly and he’s ready to give in to his feelings. But Lyfe has to deal with his powerful, emasculating wife, Payton. Payton rescued Lyfe from his former unsavory lifestyle and always has the upper hand in their relationship. But Payton has bigger issues when her own skeletons are threaten to be exposed.

Smooth Operator is a sexy page-turner by Risqué. Risqué once again brought us an entertaining novel that is full of the eroticism and excitement that we’ve come to expect. You may think that this story is just about Arri, Lyfe, and Payton, but it’s not just about them. In true Risqué fashion, there is a curveball thrown into this story that will leave readers speechless. Risqué does an excellent job of crafting a good erotica novel that’s much more than just a lot meaningless sex. Well-developed characters, intriguing storyline, and mouth-watering sex scenes make Smooth Operator a delectable treat.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Smooth Operator: A Novel today!

NEW REVIEW: Hunter Hayes - Stripper Pole To Heaven

Stripper Pole To HeavenHunter Hayes -
Stripper Pole To Heaven -
Available Now! -
4 out of 5 books -

Lisette Jones is a single mom trying to provide for herself and her teen daughter. She’s making a lot of money as she transforms herself into Club Bare’s marquee stripper, Golden. Lisette’s secret profession is providing her with a comfortable lifestyle, but there’s still something missing. With the help of her best friend Cynthia, Lisette is introduced to church and is on a spiritual walk. But can she continue to grow spiritually and still hang on to her profession? Cynthia is secure in her job and her faith. But her marriage with her abusive husband, Clyde, is taking a toll on her. Cynthia is trying her best to be all things to her husband, including getting a sexy makeover to add some spice to their marriage. But will this be enough?

Stripper Pole to Heaven is an entertaining novel by Hunter Hayes. Lisette and Cynthia are very relatable characters that readers will enjoy. You see the struggle that Lisette has with her job as she gets deeper into her faith. You also see how Cynthia is trying to be the best wife she can be under some extreme circumstances. Hayes did a good job with character and storyline development which made this novel a wonderful read. Stripper Pole to Heaven is a fast-paced read by Hunter Hayes.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of Stripper Pole To Heaven today!

Sunday, February 06, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Shelia M. Goss - Savannah's Curse

Savannah's CurseShelia M. Goss
Savannah's Curse
Available February 22, 2011
5 out of 5 books

When Savannah Blake discovers her father murdered, she refuses to let anyone stop her from finding the culprit, especially Troy Bridges. Special operative turned private security owner Troy Bridges has a promise to keep and a score to settle. Troy is not sure what to expect when he sees Savannah again for the first time in 10 years, but nothing can prepare him for the rush of feelings he has once he does.

Savannah and her sisters, Montana and Asia, don't know who to trust. Troy is the only person that seems to know anything about Major's death, but Savannah is not sure she can trust him again, especially with her heart. When things start to get dangerous, Troy vows to do whatever it takes to help the Blake sisters find their father's killer and win back Savannah's love in the process.

Death, deception, danger, and desire are all adjectives to describe this amazing romantic adventure. From the prologue to the last chapter, Shelia M. Goss will have you guessing. When you think you've put the clues together and figured it out, she throws you another curve ball. Savannah's Curse is an excellently written story with a fantastic plot and great character development. Savannah's Curse is a page turner from beginning to end!

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order you copy of Savannah's Curse today!

New Review : The Hunt : Anna J

5 out of 5 books Dylan Hunt is living his best life right now. He is smart, sexy, and owns the hottest restaurant in Philly. But Dylan is tr...