Thursday, February 03, 2011

Contest for Two Tears In A Bucket by Traci Bee (E-book giveaway) (WINNERS ANNOUNCED!)

Two Tears in a BucketContest for Two Tears In A Bucket by Traci Bee (E-book giveaway) - Details Inside...

Visit http://www.URBANREVIEWSONLINE.COM to enter this contest and others!.

1 comment:

UR said...

Here are the winners of the contest:

Lousette T of Compton, CA
Jennifer C of Covington, GA
LaToya L of Decatur, IL
Cheryl F of Croswell, MI
Paula H of Little Rock AR
Tashawn R of Tallahassee, FL
Taliah A of Denver, CO
Michelle L of Gulf Shores, AL
Ruth W of Bolingbrook, IL
Orsayor S of Toledo, OH

Congrats to all the group members that won a ebook copy of 'Two Tears In A Bucket' by Traci Bee!


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