Monday, February 07, 2011

NEW REVIEW: M.Q.W. - Entrepreneur II

(5ive Star Publications Presents) Entrepreneur II-The TransitionM.Q.W. -
Entrepreneur II: The Transition -
Available Now! -
3.5 out of 5 books -

Swift and Block are back together again. Swift has taken over the streets and is in the process of turning his street money into legal money. Swift has a new business venture that is making his dream of getting out of the game a reality. Block has just been released from prison and is trying to adjust to life on the outside with his friend and partner-in-crime, Swift. But new problems arise when outside forces are trying to take these two friends down. Will they be able to weather the storm together?

Entrepreneur II: The Transistion is a good sequel to Entrepreneur by M.Q.W. M.Q.W. does a good job of showing the growth in Swift and Block’s characters. You see just how hard it is for Swift and Block to get out of the game in order to live on the right side of the law. M.Q.W. brought a good twist to the average street tale by showing Swift and Block taking actual steps towards living a regular life. Entrepreneur II is a decent novel by M.Q.W.
Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews
Order your copy of (5ive Star Publications Presents) Entrepreneur II-The Transition today!

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