Monday, March 14, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Deja King - Rich or Famous

Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy FameJoy Deja King
Rich or Famous
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Dior is a superficial beauty that is arm candy for superstar Sway Stone. Ever since she was a little girl, all Dior wanted to be was famous...but at what cost? Being on the arm of Sway entitles her to such luxuries as having all the hottest designer clothes, attending exclusive parties, and hanging out with all the stars.

When Dior walks in the room, all eyes are on her. When she captures the attention of Lorenzo, he is intent on making her least for the moment. With all the drama surrounding Lorenzo, he would have never expected falling for this shallow beauty. When it's all said and done, Dior needs to make a decision. Would she rather be rich...or famous?

Rich or Famous by Joy Deja King was an okay read. It had the potential to be a five star read, but I felt there were too many gaps left unfilled and not enough substance to the story. The story needed to have more in-depth background on the characters in order for the reader to get attached to them. I also would have liked to read what happened in between certain scenes to really feel everything that was going on. The story was too cut and dry, leaving for a rushed storyline.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Rich or Famous...Rich Because You Can Buy Fame today!

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