Wednesday, April 06, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Blufasa - Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell!

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To HELL!Blufasa
Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell!
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell! by Blufasa is a tale unlike any I have ever read. It chronicles the life of Darrel Love from his embryonic stage, through adolescence, and into adulthood. Yes, the story actually begins when he's an embryo. While he is in the embryonic stage, there is a man that tells him he has the key to one of the doors in front of him. The choice is up to him to decide which path he will choose and therefore what door he will open.

As a child, Darrel has a troubled mind. Darrel realizes that he is different than other children. Darrel's thoughts always seem so dark, and his soul is tortured. After an incident where he blacks out and hurts another child, he is taken away from the only family he knows and put into an institution for troubled kids. While there, Darrel begins to uncover the dark truth about what lies beneath the surface.

Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To Hell! by Blufasa was an interesting read. The author has an interesting concept. Although I must admit that I was a bit turned off during the first 50 pages, I was a bit unnerved on what the author was trying to portray. I understood where he was going, but it could have really gone in another direction. The story has a mythological feel as well as a bit of Christianity mixed throughout, making for an interesting read. Even though my final rating is a 3, I actually am interested in reading the next installment because I am curious on how the story is going to play out.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Dark Mind Chronicles: Go To HELL! today!

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