Friday, May 13, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Pat Simmons - Crowning Glory

Crowning GloryPat Simmons
Crowning Glory
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Karyn Wallace, a true woman of God, has had her share of ups and downs. While spending time in prison, Karyn got to know God and was a walking testimony. When Karyn gets released from prison, she is determined not to stray from her walk with the Lord. While working in the mall, she meets Levi Tolliver, a successful businessman. Unbeknownst to Karyn, Levi is actually trying to get his walk right with God. A couple of years ago, he lost his wife, who was killed in a convenience store robbery. Ever since that night, Levi has questioned God about why he had to take his wife away. The one person that was helping Levi want to live again was his little girl, Dori. During one of their shopping trips in the mall, Dori and Levi meet Karyn. Levi thinks that meeting Karyn is God's way of saying that it's time to move on. But Levi finds it hard to give anyone a second chance, especially if they're a convicted felon. How will Karyn be able to tell Levi about her past? And will he forgive her?

In Crowning Glory, the author Pat Simmons brings about a novel that shows that without forgiveness, there's no redemption. I enjoyed the story of Karyn and Levi. Both had a past that they needed to move on from, but there was something always holding them back. What I liked about this book is the fact that Ms. Simmons intertwined God's Word throughout the entire story. The best part about Crowning Glory is that it was never too preachy or over the top. Each chapter had a steady flow and would prepare you for the next. Each of the main and supporting characters had a compelling story to tell. Without them, the novel would have not been as good because each supporting character brought a little umph to the story. I enjoyed reading Crowning Glory and cannot wait for more from Pat Simmons.

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Crowning Glory today!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this review I'll put this on my TRL list.

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