Thursday, June 30, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Rhonda Bowen - Man Enough For Me

Man Enough For MeRhonda Bowen
Man Enough For Me
Available Now!
4 out of 5 books

Jules Jackson was starting to succeed in her career. She had friends that loved her, but she had not found that one true love...not until she met Germaine Williams. Germaine is a successful businessman who's also looking for that one special person. There's just one problem: Germaine is holding onto a secret that he cannot let anyone find out about. With Jules, each time she meets someone, she gets a feeling that there's something not right, and immediately breaks it off.  When Germaine and Jules meet, it's like magic. They are so into each other, and they both think they have found "the one." Well, Jules starts to get that feeling that something is not right, and soon finds out that Germaine is not all that he says he is. 

When I started to read Man Enough for Me, it started off slow, and I was starting to lose interest in completing this book. But as I read on, it started to pick up because of Germaine's secret, and I wanted to know how Jules would take it and if she would stay with him after finding out. It started to pique my interest because the suspense started to kick in and the storyline started picking up and I could not put it down until I knew what Germaine was hiding. I thought Ms. Bowen did a good job with interjecting some of the drama that actually happens today. All in all, I enjoyed Man Enough for Me, and I'm looking forward to reading future works by Ms. Bowen. 

Reviewed by Jackie for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Man Enough For Me today!

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