Monday, July 25, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Nataisha Hill - How Could She Do It

How Could She Do ItNataisha Hill
How Could She Do It
Available Now!
1 out of 5 books

How Could She Do It by Nataisha Hill centers around the main character Kayla, a young woman fed up with her abusive and cheating boyfriend. Kayla is bound and determind to make him feel just as miserable as she does. When she comes up with a plan to get back at him, the only person she is really hurting is herself.  After careful thought, Kayla decides the best thing to do is to move far away and have a fresh start. She meets a man she thinks just may be her prince charming, yet he deceives her as well. With the back and forth relationship between her ex-boyfriend and her current boyfriend, it spells nothing but trouble.

How Could She Do It by Nataisha Hill was a typical story about a young-minded girl who instead of just walking away from a bad situation, she keeps getting herself in the same mess over and over again. The story was predictable and unrealistic in certain situations and a little too convenient in others. The main character Kayla constantly talks about getting revenge but never really falls through in doing so. She refers to the men in her life as being "psycho," but honestly, there is absolutely nothing within these pages that would warrant this reference. The author tended to throw in "big words" into a simple storyline, the timeline in the story was unclear, and the lack of editing made for a poor read.

Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of How Could She Do It today!

1 comment:

TaiLorMade said...

Thank you for your review. I do feel that any many man who tries to rape a woman is deemed as "psycho" and some events are based on true stories, so it is very realistic. Time transitions were stated throughout the novel, however, the idea of revenge should be more suitable to the reader. Thank you again for your feedback, this will be notated for "How Could She Do It 2: The Rise Of an Imp"

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