Tuesday, July 12, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Brandi Jenee - My Name Is Sin

Brandi Jenee
My Name Is Sin
Available Now!
2 out of 5 books

Sin Joubert didn't grow up like most girls. From outward appearances, things seemed "normal." She lived in a house with not one parent, but two. This is where the "normal" ended! Sin's parents' co-existed...they did not fight, argue or scream at one another. The house was filled with deathly silence. Instead of sharing a room with her husband, Sin's mother shared a room with her. From the time she was a little girl, she witnessed the outright disrespect her father showed her mother. And all the time, she wondered WHY her mother never left.
Sin was a remarkable young woman who excelled in her academics and went on to be a prominent lawyer. So when she gets the call that her father was brutally murdered, she is suprised yet not saddened by the news. During the investigation of the murder, Sin begins to reflect on her past and current relationships that left a lasting indentation on her heart.
My Name Is Sin by Brandi Jenee was a quick read...too quick of a read in my opinion. Although the storyline was pretty good and the author engaged the reader into the plot, there was no real twist to the story. It was predictable and it ended way too soon. I would have liked to see more background information and more character development, and most importantly, a lead up to the high points of the story. I think with a good developmental editor, My Name Is Sin could have been a very good story.
Reviewed by Leona for Urban Reviews
Order your copy of My Name is Sin today!

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