Thursday, July 28, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Swift - Motivation: Mastering The Game

MOTIVATION ~ Mastering the GameSwift
Motivation: Mastering The Game
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

Keyshawn “Key” Watson always wanted to be a major player on the streets of Milwaukee. With his stable of prostitutes and thieves, Key quickly earns enough street credibility and prestige to expand his growing empire. But that expansion comes to a halt when a sudden tragedy in New Orleans causes Key to get some unwanted attention from the U.S. Justice Department. There’s also a mole in his organization who is trying to destroy him.

Motivation by Swift is a typical street tale about a young man coming up in the streets running a prostitution ring. Key goes from being an observer of the game to being fully immersed in it. Swift did a good job with the storyline of this book especially when showing the growth of Key as a character. One of the most interesting parts of book is when the justice department starts their investigation of Key and how they go about doing it. The pace of this story dragged in some areas, which you wouldn’t expect in this type of book. There is a cliffhanger at the end of the story that may lead to a sequel, but the book should have had a more complete ending. This book also could have used the assistance of a good editor in order to make this story more polished. Motivation is still a decent debut novel by Swift.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order you copy of MOTIVATION ~ Mastering the Game today!

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