Thursday, July 14, 2011

On The Line With Radiah Hubbert - July 2011 - Victoria Christopher Murray

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert - Victoria Christopher Murray - Author of 'The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil' -

Victoria Christopher Murray talks to Radiah Hubbert about:
- Her latest book 'The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil'
- Her upcoming book 'Sinners and Saints' with fellow author ReShonda Tate Billingsley
- Her literary journey
- Her new venture with
- His advice to aspiring authors
- And Much Much More!

Click Here For Our Exclusive Audio Interview
With The Author Of 'The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil'
Victoria Christopher Murray

Or listen to the audio interview right now (approx. 24 mins):

Order your copy of The Deal, The Dance, And The Devil today!
Check out Victoria Christopher Murray on A Chapter A Month website here:

On The Line with Radiah Hubbert
Exclusive One-on-One Interviews with Today's Top Authors!

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