Wednesday, October 05, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Devon Vaughn Archer - The Hitman's Woman

Devon Vaughn Archer
The Hitman's Woman
Available Now!
3.5 out of 5 books

Dante Sheldon has come to Detroit to avenge his brother's death. He has hired a private investigator to find out who killed his brother. With that information in hand, all is left to do is to take out the guy who pulled the trigger and the one who ordered the hit. That is until he meets Beverly Holland. She is a diversion that he doesn't need but is enjoying anyway. When Dante causes a chance meeting between the trigger man and himself, he learns that Beverly is involved with the hitman. She has no idea what her live-in boyfriend actually does for a living, but he keeps her in a life of luxury. Although this is what she always thought she wanted, now that Dante is in the picture, she is not so sure that is enough. While Beverly is becoming more involved with Dante, her best friend, Marilyn, is sleeping with her man. When all of these secrets and lies come out, who will remain standing?

The Hitman's Woman by Devon Vaughn Archer was an okay read. There were a lot of different things happening in the story without a lot of elaboration. There were also several characters in the story, in addition to the main two characters, but there was not a lot of character development for any of them. The story read more like a movie than a book. Usually in a book, you get more details to help you paint a picture in your mind about what is happening and what the characters are like, but I don't feel that this was achieved in this particular story. I would still put The Hitman's Woman on my TBR pile, especially if you like romance/action stories.

Reviewed by Tenecia for Urban Reviews

Order you copy of The Hitman's Woman today!

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