Tuesday, November 08, 2011

NEW REVIEW: Ashley & JaQuavis - Murderville

Ashley & JaQuavis
Available Now!
5 out of 5 books

Liberty and A’shai have a love that can stand the test of time. But time is not on their side as Liberty is dying of a fatal heart condition. Her dying wish is to have A’shai tell her the story of how they met and how their journey leads to their current love affair. A’shai is hesitant to do this and wants to just spend these final moments enjoying the love of his life. But A’shai tells Liberty the story that started long ago in Sierra Leone and ends in the land of opportunity – America.

Ashley & JaQuavis brought a fresh twist to the street literature genre with Murderville. These authors gives readers an up close and personal view of the horrors of Sierra Leone, blood diamonds, child sex trafficking, and drug trafficking. Ashley & JaQuavis were able to incorporate these harsh and difficult realities into this story and made it relatable to the reader, which is the mark of a good writer. Ashley & JaQuavis did an excellent job of painting such vivid scenes that readers can actually visualize everything that is happening. You can tell that these authors really did their homework in regards to the research for this story. Liberty and A’shai are characters that you’ll be rooting for until the very end. Murderville is definitely thought-provoking and entertaining. It will be interesting to see how the next two installments will unfold.

Reviewed by Radiah Hubbert of Urban Reviews

Order your copy of Murderville today!

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