Saturday, December 31, 2011

NEW REVIEW - Shakara Cannon - This Can't Be Life

Shakara Cannon
This Can't Be Life
Available Now!
3 out of 5 books

After I finished reading this book, I had to go online to see what others were saying about it. I felt like I missed the story because with over 90 reviews, it received an average rating of a 4.5. So before writing my review, I sat down and pondered where I went wrong with this story. Then it hit me, I didn’t go wrong.

The story was sprinkled with so much drama that I felt lost in the storytelling because so much was going on. My 3 star review might not be the fault of the author, but too many characters and issues are a bit challenging for me. It seemed the author wanted to touch on more issues then should be handled in one book: deaths, repressed memories, incest, alcoholism, religion, homosexuality and more. Let’s take a look at the characters.

Simone Johnson continues to have the same dream night after night of a little girl and a man. She knows the little girl is in trouble at the hands of this man, but she is unable to see the faces and details. When will her mind release this trauma? Best friend Stacey was the relief this reader needed while trudging through the story. His one liners and comedy at times made me laugh out loud. I was excited when he met Tyron, but I was also shocked that he went for the terms of the relationship. Could he ever be a kept man? His heart says no, but the mind is a tricky thing. If you tell yourself something enough times, it becomes your reality.

Talise was my favorite character since her strength as a friend spoke volumes as Simone’s BFF. When her mom told her that they were getting a divorce, I was worried how she would pass on that information to Simone, who was emotionally unstable to a degree. But like only Talise could do, she took care of business.

This Can’t Be Life by Shakara Cannon is contemporary fiction centered on Simone but also focuses on her two best friends and the relationship that they all share. If you enjoy drama-filled situations as well as twist and turns, then This Can’t Be Life is the book for you.

Reviewed by Missy for Urban Reviews

Order your copy of This Can't Be Life today!

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