Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Urban Reviews Dollar Menu - $1 Kindle E-books by African American Authors




Fornicate by Julia Press Simmons - http://amzn.to/tMu2A1
In This Life by Leo Sullivan - http://amzn.to/tJ88U6
Strawberries, Stilettos, and Steam by Imani True and Dreama Skye - http://amzn.to/uOTtNk
My Husband And My Wifey by Desiree Day - http://amzn.to/vBCk7a
The Committee by Desiree Day - http://amzn.to/tg2itG
Beautifully Imperfect by Phoenix C. Brown - http://amzn.to/rtGJDL (No longer $1)
Yesterday's Lies by Terri D. - http://amzn.to/vQIhJp (No longer $1)
I'd Rather Be Single by Various Authors (Tysha, Lashonda Devaughn, Mimi Renee, Kaie Golson) -http://amzn.to/rCf3AQ
Fannin' Old Flamez by Tracy L. Cooper - http://amzn.to/tH4KBC 
The Corner (Slim's Revenge) by Alex Richardson - http://amzn.to/tgf5CL
Dayvon's Story: A Thug's Life by Thomas Long - http://amzn.to/uezuNX
King by Tremayne Johnson - http://amzn.to/king-ebook
A Drug Dealer's Dream by Tremayne Johnson - http://amzn.to/rJ03d1
Moist by Dean Jean Pierre - http://amzn.to/u7Mj0B
Shady by Dell Banks - http://amzn.to/shady-kindle (No longer $1)
In The Cut by Kevin Bullock - http://amzn.to/rGxVIE
Trained to Go by Kevin Bullock - http://amzn.to/sGLQec
Young Savage by Rasheed - http://amzn.to/tsDhpd
Chronicles Of A Single Chick by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/u8p3a7
Twisted by Ni'cola - http://amzn.to/twisted-kindle (No longer $1)
Black Cherry by Zaria - http://amzn.to/blackcherry-kindle
Swag by Monica Marie Jones - http://amzn.to/swagnovel (No longer $1)
The Ups and Downs of Being Round by Monica Marie Jones - http://amzn.to/tglhQu (No longer $1)
Floss by Monica Marie Jones - http://amzn.to/flossnovel (No longer $1)
Never Dead by Jumata Emill Jones - http://amzn.to/neverdead
Bluesday by Adrienne Thompson - http://amzn.to/bluesday
It's In My Blood by Shawneda Marks - http://amzn.to/itsinmyblood
Life Knows No Bounds: One Who Loves You More by Andrea Clinton - http://amzn.to/vfIrIJ
Vampire Whore by Adenike Lucas - http://amzn.to/vVR9oY
Crave All, Lose All by Erick S. Gray - http://amzn.to/craveall-loseall
Charge It To The Game by Tonya Blount - http://amzn.to/chargeittothegame
Always, Now and Forever Love Hurts by Shelia Lipsey - http://amzn.to/rYL9XN
Interruption: The Gospel According to Crystal Justine by Tracey Michae'l Lewis - http://amzn.to/tqpRDj
The Gospel According to Sacha Renee by Tracey Michae'l Lewis - http://amzn.to/syyAH5
Hot Fun In The Summertime by Chicki Brown - http://amzn.to/hotfun-ebook (No longer $1)
I Can't Get Next to You by Chicki Brown - http://amzn.to/t9R3cb (No longer $1)
Hollywood Swinging by Chicki Brown - http://amzn.to/vy1p03 (No longer $1)
Have You Seen Her? by Chicki Brown - http://amzn.to/ve3xTd (No longer $1)
In Need of A Joshua Man by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/st9co0
Project Queen by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/w2xcEa (No longer $1)
Project Queen II by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/vxBWqg (No longer $1)
Ex-Girlfriend by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/rWFyt4 (No longer $1)
Fetish: An Erotic Anthology by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/rOcZbk
Spin Cycle by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/tXnQOn (No longer $1)
Panzina's Passion by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/ut35kd (No longer $1)
Headlines by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/rU1UZu
Uncrossing Her Legs by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/v5v2TI (No longer $1)
What About Your Friends by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/whataboutyourfriends (No longer $1)
All or Nothing by Blake Karrington - http://amzn.to/allornothing-ebook
A Price To Pay For Everything by Kameisha Jenkins - http://amzn.to/apricetopay
Deja by Tajana Sutton - http://amzn.to/telBHQ
Mama Don't Like Ugly by Rekaya Gibson - http://amzn.to/tmmkml
A Rumble in VA by Rayven Skyy - http://amzn.to/tPDgYp (No longer $1)
Holy Trinity by C.M. Spence - http://amzn.to/sBUouy
A Change of Grace by Marva Farris - http://amzn.to/v8qCz0
Secrets Unraveled by JJ Michaels - http://amzn.to/rWXItS
When Love Isn't Enough by Stephanie Casher - http://amzn.to/sDqwLe
Nayla's Dilemma: The Ends of Justice by Toye Lawson Brown - http://amzn.to/ujQTFL
The Friday House by D. K. Gaston - http://amzn.to/saCItE
Darkest Hours by D.K. Gaston - http://amzn.to/uuPiZW
The Promise by D. K. Gaston - http://amzn.to/tzoKFp
Tease by Keith Gaston - http://amzn.to/snje8I (No longer $1)
Devyne Envy by Sankofa - http://amzn.to/vOlRZb
Strawberry Mansion: A Philadelphia Story by Julia Press Simmons - http://amzn.to/vATaEb
Begonia Brown: A Philadelphia Story by Julia Press Simmons - http://amzn.to/vx5CJE
Vicious by Alicia Howard - http://amzn.to/va3LeM
Blind Love by Mark O'Neal - http://amzn.to/u1bTyz
At Last by Bianca Eugene - http://amzn.to/tpCTrl (No longer $1)
Signs of Love by Chanta Rand - http://amzn.to/smO91f (No longer $1)
Heart Stealer by Tiphanie Thomas - http://amzn.to/uXPp3g (No longer $1)
Bankroll Squad by David Weaver - http://amzn.to/bankrollsquad
YMN by Jerrice Owens - http://amzn.to/tFRbc2
Devious Savages by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/sxDMJi
Kismet by Raynesha Pittman - http://amzn.to/ufWpdu
Men and Sex - Power, Pleasure, Pain by C. Mikki - http://amzn.to/sFYBl4
Chante's Song by Donneil D. Jackson - http://amzn.to/vs1Zcg
Ulterior Motives by Mark O'Neal - http://amzn.to/vuQlr4
Country Boy by Blake Karrington - http://amzn.to/vLYx3h
Last Train to Paris by Ebony S. Garris - http://amzn.to/vAhM6z
Smoke & Mirrors by K.R. Bankston - http://amzn.to/sCdpge (No longer $1)
From A Thug 2 A Man by C-Note - http://amzn.to/sLNDVP
A Hood Chick's Story by LaShonda Devaughn - http://amzn.to/unBye5
God's Helps Those by Alan Cramer - http://amzn.to/vL0n6h
Luck of the Draw by Anna Black - http://amzn.to/vvxpd6
Laugh Now by Rahiem Brooks - http://amzn.to/vhjVZN
Die Later by Rahiem Brooks - http://amzn.to/uhcJt0
Con Test: Double Life by Rahiem Brooks - http://amzn.to/sv3reE
Harlem Girl Lost 2 by Treasure E. Blue - http://amzn.to/vUexBu
Twisted Obsession by Purity Dotson - http://amzn.to/vsKZvb
Don't Say You Do If You Don't by Charles Burgess - http://amzn.to/rztNDo
Babies' Daddies by Marlene - http://amzn.to/seuE6C
Making It On My Own by Marlene - http://amzn.to/w3jS5v
Jamaican Gal by Marlene - http://amzn.to/rsN8uM
Island Beauty by Marlene - http://amzn.to/vtyj3a
The View From Here by Rachel Howzell - http://amzn.to/tM0WYN
Blackface by Q. B. Wells - http://amzn.to/ung5W2
Between The Sheets by Various Authors - http://amzn.to/t88uqc
Crossroads: An Anthology by Elizabeth LaShaun, Keith Williams, KR Bankston, & D K Gaston -http://amzn.to/t7pPGi
The Life by Alan Cramer - http://amzn.to/vM8Wn4
Stone's Revenge by Sylvia Hubbard - http://amzn.to/vgudpQ
Stealing Innocence by Sylvia Hubbard - http://amzn.to/ucdNB3
Deceptive Nights by Sylvia Hubbard - http://amzn.to/uf3vAM
Dreams of Reality by Sylvia Hubbard - http://amzn.to/tqI4lS (No longer $1)
How Did I Get Here? by Ahmad Aleem Williams - http://amzn.to/rVmmQn
Fighting the Desires by Toye Brown - http://amzn.to/sY26Qt
Dreams of Ecstasy for Francine Craft - http://amzn.to/txCN8o
Passion's Fool by Francine Craft - http://amzn.to/zMMy3l
Designed for Passion by Francine Craft - http://amzn.to/tqEzPb
Dying on the Edge by Francine Craft - http://amzn.to/tI0lV2

~~~NEWLY ADDED AS OF 8PM CST 12/26!!!~~~
The Book of Lies, Mistrust, and Mistakes by Andrew J Rainey Jr - http://amzn.to/sz3ZJf (No longer $1)
Livin The Fast Life by Tivona Elliott - http://amzn.to/vHJlta
Freedom Is Not Free by King James - http://amzn.to/vzaYHR
Tangled Webs by King James and Bobby Rodgers - http://amzn.to/rqHCfJ
Paradyce by Cynthia Williams - http://amzn.to/tKiiTO
Draw by J Real - http://amzn.to/vWCdoO
An Urban Drama by Roy Glenn - http://amzn.to/vNxOWl
All About The Money by Roy Glenn - http://amzn.to/sApbAu
Three The Hard Way by Roy Glenn - http://amzn.to/ve0YeS
Scorned Hearts by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/roYqPc
A Place To Go (Anthology) by Leila Jefferson, Rukyyah, Shay Gray, etc - http://amzn.to/vgpcTO
Every Man's Dream by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/s3ksq3
He's A Keeper by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/uiPuzY
Naughty But Definitely Not Nice (Anthology) by Leila Jefferson, Rukyyah, etc - http://amzn.to/usED9u
Tasty Temptations by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/vUxn45
Street Life: My Story Uncut by Jihad - http://amzn.to/rsE7L0
Keeper of Secrets...Translations of an Incident by Anjuelle Floyd - http://amzn.to/vWfmzK
Courtney's Collage by Barbara Joe Williams - http://amzn.to/vpHLZo
Forgive Us This Day by Barbara Joe Williams - http://amzn.to/vI0NTl
Falling For Lies by Barbara Joe Williams - http://amzn.to/tQadby
Dancing With Temptation by Barbara Joe Williams - http://amzn.to/vD3ZLc
Baring It All by Gena Garrison - http://amzn.to/vMZY2Y
The Rainbow Z by Zaria Garrison - http://amzn.to/rYI45N
Tre Pound by Jordan Belcher - http://amzn.to/rxtBha
Drama by George Sherman Hudson - http://amzn.to/uKE5b4
Finding Closure by Aaron Ashford - http://amzn.to/t8qimF
Patches of Grey by Roy L. Pickering - http://amzn.to/uZzDFn
The Last Ms. Understanding by RL Taylor - http://amzn.to/rSnHwh
Dreaming of A Crayon Sun by RL Taylor - http://amzn.to/uHvJkZ
Check Mate by RL Taylor - http://amzn.to/uq7cc5
MONSTER by Arielle Crowell - http://amzn.to/sjthQi
Purple Haze by JA Adams - http://amzn.to/sH1G07 (No longer $1)
Lovin' You Is Wrong by Alisha Yvonne - http://amzn.to/unkcVJ

Added 1-8-2012
The Boy Who Needed Someone by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/z6KXJR
My Cousin Lenore by Teresa D. Patterson - http://amzn.to/yLqXiN
Survivin' The Game by Leila Jefferson - http://amzn.to/wOBtvg
A Gangster's Melody by Sean A Wright - http://amzn.to/zZmznz
Me and My Bitch by David Weaver - http://amzn.to/zE2y1P
A Love Story by David Weaver - http://amzn.to/wl7o35
The Aslaric Vampire by David Weaver - http://amzn.to/zYa3cc
16 Bars: A Short Story Mixtape by Ran Walker - http://amzn.to/yQ7s4S
A Black Girl's Poetry For The World by Kimberly LaRocca - http://amzn.to/wbGoB6
Journey's End by LaNina King - http://amzn.to/xRjNHm
Scores to Settle by Myne Whitman - http://amzn.to/scorestosettle
Love Happens by Myne Whitman - http://amzn.to/zAy6wY
Coffee, Cream, and Curry by Judy Powell - http://amzn.to/wQSxrs
The Twins by Danisha Ford - http://amzn.to/wa5dyE
Some Like It Hot by Judy Powell - http://amzn.to/somelikeithot-kindle
Hot Summer by Judy Powell - http://amzn.to/hotsummer-kindle
Hot Chocolat by Judy Powell - http://amzn.to/xY8kNh
Secrets Buried In The Soul (Why Settle Be Less) by Deborah Kabwang - http://amzn.to/whysettleforless
It's Crunchtime by Marie Brewer - http://amzn.to/its-crunch-time
Law and Disorder: Partners Uncovered by Toye Lawson Brown - http://amzn.to/LawAndDisorder
Keep It 100: Real Talk on being a Real Man by Rickey Teems - http://amzn.to/KeepIt100-kindle
Pernicious by James Henderson - http://amzn.to/pernicious-kindle
Bumped by Sibylla Nash - http://amzn.to/zW6jhE
Gangsta Girl by George Sherman Hudson - http://amzn.to/waon5W
Gangsta Girl 2 by George Sherman Hudson - http://amzn.to/w51Fk6
Gangsta Girl 3 by George Sherman Hudson -  http://amzn.to/AtUthA
Spirit Fruit: Collected Speculative Fiction by Carole McDonnell - http://amzn.to/spiritfruit1
The Pussy Whispers by Dean Jean-Pierre - http://amzn.to/wR9Z7N
Dear Summer by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/zo4O8v
Street Fame by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/AkRjTz
Entangled by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/ycyK63
Dilemma by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/wG3W18
Treasure Hunter by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/xlHR5l
In The Cut by K. Elliott - http://amzn.to/yyjXkl
The Game Has No Loyalty by June - http://amzn.to/z6ZkGN
Chance And Drama by Kole Black - http://amzn.to/zy195N
The Moment of Truth by Mark O'Neal - http://amzn.to/AhEwqy
She Was A Friend Of Mine by Tamika Newhouse - http://amzn.to/z5t0gA
Vengeance Is Mine (My Nemesis series) by Aija Butler - http://amzn.to/wgOklP
The Mind's Eye (My Nemesis series) by Aija Butler - http://amzn.to/zpHRKN
The Trilogy (all 3 books in My Nemesis series) by Aija Butler - http://amzn.to/y02QLw

Chronicles of A Junky: The Beginning by Sa'id Salaam - http://amzn.to/yGJ9Hy
Chronicles of A Junky II by Sa'id Salaam - http://amzn.to/x4jAM1
Dope Boy by Sa'id Salaam - http://amzn.to/w51ukK
Dope Boy 2 by Sa'id Salaam - http://amzn.to/zSL2hr
Tyce by Shareef Jaudon - http://amzn.to/AhYy0N
The Game Don't Love Nobody by Kre - http://amzn.to/xRHOh6
Fame and Low Lo by Sabrina A. Eubanks - http://amzn.to/z9I9Yb
Dirty Laundry by Chanta Rand - http://amzn.to/y9q4BJ
The Highest Bidder by Chanta Rand - http://amzn.to/AsFk1O
Decisions by Yvette St. Clair - http://amzn.to/wAvc4g
Memoirs of A Creole Crime Cartel by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/ymmIGj
Seductive Company by Red Snapper and Sexy India - http://amzn.to/yZ4Uyy
Scandalous Motives-Urban Erotica Bliss Part I by Red Snapper -  http://amzn.to/ybu34P
Scandalous Motives: Relentless Ambition by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/yhDhsl
Scandalous Motives: Heartless Reactions by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/ApvgbB
Contagious Lust: An Anthology by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/woVSb7
Acts of Congress by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/ApfAlK
The Peculiar Ones: The Plantation at Windsor Ruins (The Dark Legend Series) by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/xwU1MY
Curse of the Nocturnal Seductress by Red Snapper - http://amzn.to/zlD2ew
A Hard Man Is Good To Find by James A Lewis - http://amzn.to/wajMbi
Black Butterfly by Dante Feenix - http://amzn.to/y7tTqT
Black Butterfly 2 by Dante Feenix - http://amzn.to/A2PRuk
Black Butterfly 3 by Dante Feenix - http://amzn.to/AxmCnq
Blackberry Molasses: The Misunderstanding of Don Ho I by Cedric Quincy - http://amzn.to/A91TjP
Free Your Mind (The Misunderstanding of Don Ho II) by Cedric Quincy - http://amzn.to/wq2T73
Ace of Heartz by Jean Holloway - http://amzn.to/zVNenv
Black Jack by Jean Holloway - http://amzn.to/xPrpLT
Deuces Wild by Jean Holloway - http://amzn.to/xUL8gh
Eat The Damn Cake by Teresa Rae Butler - http://amzn.to/yhPTcH
Sweet Soliloquy by Monica Marie Jones - http://amzn.to/A8bAav
Taste My Soul by Monica Marie Jones - http://amzn.to/z4hxZs

God Helps Those by Alan Cramer - http://amzn.to/w50yUO
The Shuffled Hustle by LaNina King - http://amzn.to/zsb6Yq
The Ultimate No-No by Tamika Newhouse - http://amzn.to/theultimatenono
Who's Got Skills by Tyrenna Tolbert - http://amzn.to/zd4NS7
Rhythm And Skills (prequel to The Preacherman Blues) by Jihad - http://amzn.to/x8To3K
The Preacherman Blues by Jihad - http://amzn.to/y6u4mF
Wild Cherry by Jihad - http://amzn.to/wh8pAE
MVP by Jihad - http://amzn.to/x0KrDC
The Survival Bible: 16 Life Lessons for Young Black Men by Jihad - http://amzn.to/zg05OO
Babygirl by Jihad - http://amzn.to/zNZwbM
Mistaken Identity by Sylvia Hubbard - http://amzn.to/A9ayfe
I Am Going Where I Belong by Hans Lindor - http://amzn.to/GoingWhereIBelong

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New Review : Firstborn Girls: A Memoir : Bernice L. McFadden

  5 out of 5 books Penning a memoir is no easy task. You are giving everyone an insider’s peek into your world. This is exactly what Bernice...